Chapter 16

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"Oh, Admiral Westergard!" Elsa cried, shuddering. She rocked her hips against his so hard she was sure there would be bruises. Hans growled, arching his back as she rode him, digging his nails into her swell of hips. Elsa leaned down, crashing her lips against his with so much passion as pressure began to pool in the pit of her stomach. Her blonde locks cascaded down her back like and icy waterfall, and Hans couldn't stop tugging at it and lacing his fingers in it. Her cool breasts were pushed against his chest, which was burning hot in comparison.

Elsa didn't mind a bit.

"Elsa, Elsa, ELSA!" Hans chanted as he tossed his head back, clenching his teeth and coming fast and hard inside her and just as she was about to come-

Elsa shot up in bed, panting. She frantically looked around, and she found herself in her own room, fully clothed and alone. She pressed her hand to her heart to try and stop the wild beating of it. The queen sat in silence for what seemed like forever, trying to get a hold of herself.

That dream was-

Elsa bit her lip.

It felt so real...

She hugged her knees to her chest.

I wish it had been real...


Elsa lazily crawled out of bed a little after eleven a.m, combing out her messy bed head and summoning an icy dress; almost the same as her classic one, only with off shoulder sleeves like Anna's coronation gown and no cape. She ravished in the colors of red, purple, and dark blue. Elsa had almost completely forgotten about her dream, (she called it that because she knew deep in her heart that she enjoyed it), and patted out to go find Anna. As the Queen approached her sisters door, she could hear the loud snoring emitting from the Princess. Elsa giggled softly, raising a pale fist and knocking on the door. "Anna?" Elsa called, and was about to knock again, but she heard the lock click and the door crack open. "Huh..?" Anna peaches out, looking half awake, trying and failing to hide her bed head. "Anna, it's Elsa, your sister." Elsa giggled, and Anna snickered as she opened the door to let her sister in. "Morning Elsa.." Anna yawned, stretching and going behind her changing screen. "It's almost noon, silly!" Elsa called over her shoulder, looking around her room. She giggled softly at the mess of forgotten wedding plans, dresses upon dresses scattering the floor; typical Anna. "Oh," Anna laughed nervously, stepping out in a regular peasant dress. "Well, I say we do something today." Anna suggested, tugging her sister out of the room. "Like what?" Elsa snickered, following her peppy sister, waving to servants as they passed. "Mm, maybe a hike in the mountains? Kristoff showed me an easy trail we could walk on; it's really pretty!" Anna said over her shoulder, pushing open the servants door and walking outside, slowing down. She turned to Elsa in anticipation, pleadingly holding her hand. "Alright, alright. I need a day off, anyway." Elsa said reluctantly.

I need to stay away from Rolf, and so does Anna


"Anna, I would have thought this would have been easy for you." Elsa laughed, pulling her sisters hand to keep up. "Yeah yeah yeah," Anna wrinkled her nose teasingly at the Queen, trying her best to catch her breath. "At least we're almost there, right?" Elsa raised a brow, grinning. "Mhm," Anna said, and suddenly gathered lots of strength to run up the rest of the hill, smiling widely. "Elsa, c'mon, it's beautiful up here!" The Princess called, beckoning her sister up.

Elsa looked all around in awe, taking in her surroundings. A large tree sat at almost the edge of a cliff, a small waterfall coming down next to it and going all the way down the mountain and into Arendelle's fjord. "Anna, you're right, this is amazing!" She agreed, plopping down next to her sister under the tree. After a moment, Elsa couldn't help but ask; "So, after the wedding, do you and Kristoff plan on having children?"

Elsa had a weak spot for children; she loved how joyful, innocent, and cute they could be. She always fathomed of having her own, one day, but she never went as far as to even try to make courtships work, especially with Rolf.

That bastard...

Anna nodded, after a moment. "I think having children would be nice. Kristoff and I haven't talked about it much, but I think it's clear." Anna smiled blissfully, laying down to look at the shapes of the clouds. Elsa was lost in her own thoughts, though not as happy.

That was...wait, how did I even get into my room?! I remember the 'encounter' with Rolf...then...falling asleep on Hans' lap?!

Elsa chewed on her bottom lip, deep in her thoughts until Anna spoke again. "Elsa, I love you, but I wish you would at least try to get along with Rolf-"

"He proposed." Elsa cut her off, staring up at the sky as well, her face blank. Anna bulked. "What? Really? Elsa, t-that's great! You said yes, right?" Anna smiled.

Elsa needs someone to care for her when I'm not around, to balance her out, to care for the kingdom....produce heirs...

Elsa sighed minutely. All the consequences of saying no...she couldn't risk it.

".....I said yes."


A/N: how many of you did I scare with the beginning of this chapter?😏😂

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