Chapter 8

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A/N: oh my gosh almost 1k reads and almost 50 votes?! Thank you!!💖

Hans woke up, not recognizing where exactly he was. It was dark outside, except for the Northern Lights dancing across the sky. He sat up, leaning back on the- bed?! He let his eyes adjust to the darkness, and he looked around, spotting...a vanity...a bookshelf...colors of purple and blue...

Then he remembered.

His face flushed with heat and he was sure he looked like a tomato. Did he really cry in the Queens lap?! Did she really help him?! Hans stood up as quietly as possible, looking over his shoulder, finding a small lump under the covers; with long, loose, blonde hair peeking out. He made his way to the side of the bed she was on, and knelt down so his face was level with hers, but he was still a bit of a ways away. She looked as peaceful as he did when he slept. Rosy lips were parted slightly and hair hair was like an icy explosion behind her. The soft covers were pulled up to her shoulders and her head rested just as softly on a pillow. He didn't want to wake this sleeping angel just to say thank you...

Hans leaned down and brushed her bangs off her forehand, then pressed a feather light kiss on her soft, pale, forehead.

It was his turn to have strange stomach feelings and a fluttering heart.

But was it Love? He couldn't tell.

Luckily, Elsa only hummed and stirred slightly, not waking or knowing his presence. Hans reluctantly stood from his kneeled position in front of the Queen. He looked back down at her sleeping form, and noticed his hand had unconsciously been placed atop hers. He lifted it immediately, silently scolding himself for having such contact with the Queen.

I should leave...

But he really didn't want to.

Hans assumed his room was already cleaned up, but Elsa wouldn't be mad if he stayed in her room, right?

So, as his heart took over his mind, Hans laid himself back on her floor, resting his head on her pillow and covered himself in her blanket.

He'd never slept so well in his life.


The next morning, dear Princess Anna was up and skipping around with Kristoff trailing behind her, a smile present on both their faces. "what has gotten you into such a good mood, feisty pants?" Kristoff chuckled and nearly avoided a curtain being smacked in his face. Anna giggled, "oops, ahe, sorry." She turned around to face her fiancé. "Well..." She smiled in a way that looked secretive, and Kristoff raised a brow. "We didn't see Elsa at all last evening, remember? I think she was spending time with Rolf!"

"You really think so?" Kristoff questioned, scratching his head. Anna nodded excitedly. "Where else would she have been?"


Elsa stirred and opened her heavy eyelids, her eyes meeting the bright sun peaking out of her curtains. She sat up, running her fingers through her long locks of hair to get it out of her face, then draping it over on shoulder. After a moment, she suddenly sat up straiter and crawled to the edge of her bed, looking over and spotting Hans still sleeping soundly, holding the blanket close to his face as if it were a beloved stuffed animal. Elsa smiled softly, and the bed made slight creaking noises that made Hans stir and wake, opening one eye to peak and see who his visitor was. Upon noticing blue eyes and platinum hair, he opened both his eyes and smiled back. "Well, good morning, Your Majesty." He mumbled in a deep morning voice that made Elsa's knees go weak and her face flush. "Good morning to you, too." She leaned on the wood, Hans getting a good view of her cleavage. He dismissed his thoughts after noticing it and looked away with a blush Elsa couldn't detect. "What are your plans for today, if you don't mind me asking." Hans managed to keep his voice even. "I have a meeting in two hours, but after that..." She grinned and looked at him before getting up and walking to her vanity. Hans eyed her as she stood, swallowing thickly at her grin and how showy her nightgown was. "Y-yes?"

Elsa giggled. "Don't act so worried,"

She clearly didn't notice Hans hungrily eyeing her.

"I...if you want me to...can help you with your powers..?" She asked shyly.

Hans couldn't have smiled wider. "You'd really help me?" He jumped up, making Elsa jump a little herself, giggling softly and nodding. "Of course-" she said, but was cut off by a surprised yelp as Hans picked her up and spun her around, then brought her in for a warm embrace. He smiled into her mess of hair despite his red blush. Elsa was breathless against his chest, her face hot and probably as red as his. Again, she felt that same tug at her heart strings. After a moment, Hans pulled away from her and looked everywhere around the room but avoided her face. "I-I'm so sorry, Y-Your Majesty," he stammered, making his way to the door. Elsa watched him, a smile growing on her lips. "Please. Just call me Elsa." She said in almost a whisper, and Hans looked up for only a moment, flashing a grateful smile, then left her room to get ready for their day.

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