Chapter 23

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A/N: oh my god you guys are amazing. It makes me so happy that you enjoy my writing! ❤️It's especially nice to see your reactions over cliff hangers, because that's when I know it's going well! 😆 on another note, I just want to remind you that I've rated this story M for mature, so that means there will be cursing and some heavy smut. If you aren't comfortable reading that, then you don't have to 😅 but I do hope you stick with me; it's going to get much more entertaining soon 😉


"H-how-?" Elsa boggled and shakily stood, Hans doing the same, keeping his arms protectively around her. "Oh, Elsa..." Rolf shook his head and walked closer, producing a cross bow in one of his hands. It was a warning. Don't try anything. His eyes told them. Elsa fisted her free hand, the other still holding onto Hans', and sneered. "Put that down." Hans growled, feeling his body warm up. "Shut up, brother." Rolf sneered back and stepped closer to the Queen. "My my... What would the kingdom say... Their Queen is a desperate whore..." He shook his head, mocking sadness. "Bedding a man who isn't her fiancè..."

"You know damn well we've never been intimate until now!" Hans argued loudly. Rolf didn't even flinch. "Tsk tsk tsk," the elder brother turned on his heel and took a few paces away before turning back again. "Hans. Come here. Now." He growled lowly. Elsa looked at the two brothers, spying what seemed to be a secret they shared. Hans' breath was uneven as he slowly let go of Elsa's hand. "Hans, what are you-" Elsa felt her heart drop. Hans slowly walked to stand beside Rolf, who was grinning like the Chesire Cat. "Darling," Rolf smiled sickeningly sweetly at Elsa and raised the bow, and Elsa felt her body go weak.

I thought I could trust him. I thought he was my friend. I thought-

"Rolf," Hans turned to his brother in disbelief. "You said you wouldn't hurt her. You said that if I helped you get to Arendelle and marry the Queen, you wouldn't hurt her!"

"Oh, did I? Well... Oops." Rolf chuckled a horrifying chuckle, and aimed the cross bow at Elsa's heart. But this time, she was too recked to focus. She blinked at Hans, looking confused and hurt. It tugged at his heartstrings so much; he knew what he had to do. "One arrow should be all it takes.." Rolf mused while placing his thumb over the trigger. "Don't do this," Hans growled quietly, but was only ignored. "Sorry this marriage couldn't work out, darling." He purred and pulled the trigger.

It all happened so fast. Elsa stood, paralyzed, open to the arrow, when suddenly, something came in her way.

No, some one

"Hans!!" Elsa shrieked and fell to her knees next to him, silent tears running down her face as she looked at the man before her.

An arrow right in his side.

Rolf gaped for only a moment before taking off running- he knew his plan had failed and it would come back to bite him hard if he didn't make a break for it. Elsa hardly noticed. She was to busy tearing off pieces of her dress to try and stop the bleeding. "Oh Hans, oh Hans.." She sobbed and tried to pull him up to get him onto Sitron, who was neighing and stomping wildly, along with Kløsset. "Why didn't you burn him?! Why didn't I freeze him?!" She roughly wiped away her tears and tried her best not to hurt him further. Time was quickly running out. Elsa shakily breathed in and summoned a strong wind to lift him onto his horse. "Elsa," Hans breathed shakily before coughing. "Don't talk, just breathe." Elsa said firmly as she climbed onto Kløsset, held her reins, but didn't hold Sitron's. She knew the horse was well trained and loyal to his master; he knew what to do. The two horses sped off, unable to go faster, or else Hans would fall off. From the short ride from the garden to the castle, Elsa shed a river full of painful tears. "All my fault... All my fault.." She roughly wiped away her tears again and got off her horse, and got her wind to take off Hans. "Please, help!!" Elsa yelled as she entered the nearest door; the servants quarters door. Gerda, of course, and a few other maids came running, gasping at the sight. "Get the doctor! Now!" Gerda instructed the younger maids, who nodded and ran off, while some stayed to help the elder woman and Elsa. "Elsa, what in the heavens happened?!" Gerda asked while frantically taking off the ripped cloth on Hans' side from Elsa's dress. Elsa couldn't answer even if she wanted to. "Upstairs, medical wing," Gerda instructed Elsa to do, which she immediately did.

"All my fault, all my fault.." Elsa buried her face in her hands, leaning back against the headboard of her bed. The Queen sat naked in a curled up form, alone in her room, many more tears being shed. The Queen was forced out of the room while the many doctors worked on taking out the arrow and stitching him up, if that was even possible. "We don't know how deep the arrow went," she had heard a doctor explain as she exited the room fifteen minutes ago. Anna and Kristoff were shocked speechless at all the commotion, staying out of the way of the doctors, and knocking on Elsa's door. "Elsa, please! We need an explanation!" Anna called, but sadly, Elsa couldn't bring herself to open up for her sister. Instead, she laid on her side and hugged her knees to her chest, and tried to get sleep.

Yeah, like that'll happen...

Elsa sniffled, wrapping herself in the warmth of her covers, pretending it was Hans himself, and agonizingly waited.

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