Chapter 13

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A/N: well would ya look at that- chapter 13!😏 I thought it would be nice to have this chapter be full of happy lil moments with Hans and Elsa.💕


After the encounter with Rolf, Hans stormed back up to his room.

Then stormed to Elsa's room.

Then stormed back to his room with a book in his hand.

Honestly, he was so cute when he was mad and pouty.

Hans tossed the book on his bed before he could burn it; sense his hand was heating up significantly. He growled and slammed his hands on the wooden windowsill, like he did the day his room started to burn. Yet another day when he was frustrated.


Hans took in a deep breath and rubbed his temples, gazing out the window. His room was facing the fjord, and the blue waters were sparkling under the light of the setting sun. The sky was draped in colors of reds, oranges, yellows, and purples. Hans found this calming, yes, and wished deeply to go to the fjord and sit at the edge, soaking up the oceans scent. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Elsa had him train to be an Admiral...he'd always loved sailing, and had had some military training on land back in the Southern Isle.

Hans must have been in his daydreams for longer then he realized, because a sleigh riding into the castle stables caught his eye.

Elsa's back...

Hans found himself smiling lopsidedly, but it quickly disappeared. Yeah, like she ever thought of him...

He got his (her) book, and sat back down on the window seat, trying to occupy his mind elsewhere.


"Elsa, you disappeared when we went to talk to Cliff!" Anna called as her Sister hopped out of the slide along with them. "Where'd you go?"

"I was speaking with Grand Pabbie," Elsa replied, stopping to pet a familiar horse. Anna fed Sven a carrot (that raindeer is gonna get fat!) and eyed her sister. "What for..?"

Elsa looked at Anna from the corner of her eye, pressing her lips together. "I had questions,"

Anna's face edged her to go on.

"About Hans.."

", for what to do with him? Pabbie's very wise, so I'd understand why you asked him."

"....yes, that's true of why I asked." It was true, just with a thing left out. Hans needed to tell Anna and Kristoff his story himself, then they'd see. Yes, in time, they'd see...


"Hans?" Elsa knocked on his door, but opened it before he could answer. She spotted him dozing off at his window seat, a book falling into his lap. "Hans," she snapped her fingers, and he looked up, shaking red hair out of his eyes. "Oh! Y-Your Majesty," he swallowed thickly and got up. "Come," Elsa said just after Hans spoke. He gave her a confused look as she tugged him out of the room, and it was then that he realized her regal look was just a cover for her growing giddy smile.


"Just come on!"


Elsa brought Hans out of the castle and near the servants area outside, to the stables, which he realized he'd never been in. "Elsa, what on earth-" Elsa smiled at hearing her name come from him, "I need to show you something before the sun sets!" Elsa called behind him, tugging him along still. "Some magical creature of the day?" Hans remarked with a joking grin, and Elsa rolled her eyes. "Very funny. No, it's-" She pulled open the stable doors, and let Hans go in and look around. At first, he went in then turned to Elsa right away, giving her a look of a confused seven year old. Elsa giggled, and pointed to something at the far end of the stables, in a stall. Hans hesitantly walked over to it, and the brightest smiled appeared on his face. "Sitron!" He hugged around the horses neck, who was whinnying and moving all around in the stall, anxious to get out. Hans pet the muzzle of his horse, then looked to Elsa with that same smile. She giggled again, and nodded. "He's your horse, and I supposed you've missed him as much as he has you." Elsa walked up to the stall as well, and hesitantly pet the muzzle as well, and smiled when Sitron didn't rear back from her touch. Their hands brushed, and Elsa looked away with the cutest pink blush. He watched her silently, and Sitron made a noise of curiosity. Elsa giggled, then, and looked back up. "I'm surprised he didn't react negatively when I pet him, like he did with the stable boys." Elsa commented, scratching the horse under his chin. Hans chuckled, unlatching the door and letting his horse out. "He's a good boy, really," Elsa said after a moment. "I'm glad none of your brothers responded to my letters, or else he wouldn't be here." She looked at him before glancing back at Sitron. "Thank you so much, Your-....I mean, Elsa.." Hans said shyly, and Sitron brushed him with his nose, as if to embarrass his master. Hans blushed, laughing nervously. "You want to ride him, yes?" Elsa placed her hands in front of her regally. "C-could I?" Hans took on the look of that excited seven year old boy again. When Elsa nodded, he laughed and hopped onto his horse with ease, (Elsa's knees almost went weak at noticing how strong he was) holding onto Sitron's mane as reins, and took off.


Elsa sat on a chair in the gardens, watching Hans and Sitron race around the meadows behind the castle. It was a rather warm day, for September, and it was clear both Hans and Sitron were getting a workout. As the sun had finally set, Hans dropped his horse off in the stables and bid him goodnight. "I'll be back out tomorrow, boy." Hans promised, petting the muzzle one more time. He looked down at his white shirt, finding it almost soaked with sweat. He brushed away the mess of auburn hair and walked out into the cool night, smiling to himself, assuming Elsa had long gone inside.

Aha, but she didn't.

Elsa watched as Hans put Sitron away, then got up and went to the stables to greet him. It was dark, yes, but the stars and moon did provide some light to see by. And oh, what she saw was great. well, once she looked up after running into him accidentally and falling back. As she looked up, she saw how Hans' shirt was practically transparent because of his sweating, and it didn't help that he had just dumped a bucket of water on himself to cool off. "Elsa! I'm so sorry," he reached down to help her up, taking her small hand in his large warm one. Elsa swallowed and said nothing. "Are you alright?" He asked, snapping her out of whatever she was in. "...y-yes, I'm okay.." She brushed her bangs out of her eyes. Hans breathed a sigh of relief and tried to pry her off him. "Good-" he started, but gave a puzzled look when he found Elsa stuck to his shirt.


Elsa's face was pure red when she looked down. Wet shirt plus cold dress doesn't equal anything good, apparently. "I-I'm so sorry..!!" Elsa bit her lip and lightly tugged off his shirt. "It's alright!" Hans matched her red face and stepped back slightly from the Queen. Elsa looked down and continued to bite her lip, hiding a nervous smile. Hans gave her a sheepish smile before starting to back away toward the entry way to the castle. "I'll just, you know, go back to the room. G-good night, my Queen." He waved nervously before disappearing into the castle. Elsa watched for a moment after he left with a blush and bright smile.

Yes, quite possibly I may have feelings for this man.

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