Part 12

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Audrey quickly stowed her backpack in her room and rushed out to the shop after changing into her work jeans and long sleeve. She didn't like getting grime all over her school clothes and Missy would have a fit if she did. All the shop clothes went to the laundromat anyway but that didn't stop Missy from raising that eyebrow at them. Audrey smiled at the thought.

Audrey flipped through the ledgers, they looked as chaotic as her emotions. These would have to be balanced soon, after Carson's truck's brake line was replaced though. That man was so mean and rude, no wonder someone had cut his brake lines. Well, no use wasting effort with her mind reeling, she got right to work on the truck.

Dazed and Confused played over the speakers but it didn't soothe her like it normally did. It just confused her more. She changed the brake lines by rote, having done the same job so many times before. It left her mind free to think about all of the things cluttering it up. Was she attracted to her teacher? Yes. Was it logical? No. Were there laws against such things? Yes. What was she supposed to do?

The truck was fixed before her thoughts were done scrambling her brain. How could she counter such a thing? He was a beautiful man, all the girl looked. She was the only one he looked back at though. Could he feel the same? No, it was ridiculous, utter foolishness, this was her teacher!

She took the ledgers with her when she heard her father's truck roar into the driveway. She wasn't ready to talk to anybody yet. She would tell him in due time but she needed to evaluate this whole situation more. She needed to make sense of it.

The rest of the night was bland. Neither Audrey nor James were quite ready to talk. Memories of Mary were swirling in James' head while Audrey's was swirling trying to make sense of her own feelings. They always dealt with this kind of thing the same way, look at it from every angle and then talk it over when one person's examination has exhausted all possibilities.

James made sure to pick up a tired Missy from work and heated some leftovers for them all. He made sure Missy ate before she trudged to her room for bed. He then took another plate to Audrey's room. His baby girl was still at the ledgers when she replied to his gentle knock.

"You forgot to eat again," He stated.

"Oh, thanks." Audrey looked up at him with tired eyes, he could tell her mind wasn't on her work but he didn't pry, she would tell him in her own time.

He set the plate down on the desk, "Eat, then go to bed, the ledgers can wait another night." He stroked her hair once and kissed her forehead goodnight. She may be growing up but she would always be his little girl in his heart.

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