Part 13

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The bell rang and all the noise the students had been keeping down was released in whoops and hollers as they all tried to rush out the door at the same time. Audrey sat back in her chair and waited for the traffic to clear before following Missy out, her expression cool, as if to say 'I don't want to get caught in traffic like all you idiots'. Drake watched them leave as John slipped inside the room after the girls left.

"Can I hitch a ride?" John asked. "One of the guys met his mate among the cheerleaders and she took my spot in the van."

"Of course." Drake said as he stood up and grabbed his coat. He had been able to borrow one of the older pack member's cars as they didn't get out much anymore until he could get his fixed or replaced. "Help me carry these folders would you?"

John picked up a stack of folders. "Why did you bring so many in today?"

Drake shrugged, "I've been gradually bringing them in to work on but none of them ever seem to get completed."

"Did you know that Audrey manages her father's shop? Maybe she would be willing to help out." John said as they got to the car.

"Maybe," Drake agreed, he could feel his wolf's respect for the soon-to-be-Beta growing. "They are joining the pack soon. I'll talk to Alpha Richard, thank you for the info."

"Anytime," John replied as he stepped into the car.

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