Part 9

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Heart - Little Queen

Finally, lunch. Audrey was struggling to bring her anxiety under control after her absolute disaster of a presentation. Her black set of earbuds were set up to be nearly invisible in her hair and was discretely setting up her playlist for the next few hours on her phone when Missy plunked down beside her. Audrey never ate lunch. She didn't want the school's nasty food. It was a private conspiracy theory she had created to amuse herself that the government was secretly run by werewolves trying to get the kids used to prison food so that when they officially took over the government, they would be used to the food in the camps they would put them in. It amused her.

She had finished her paper before school that morning and was now examining old dodge Dakota schematics, when Missy plopped down across the table with her tray of "food". "Still working on the designs?" Missy couldn't understand why her friend spent so much time trying to design what she called "the perfect truck for the working man" but she could accept it. Audrey was very smart after all, if anyone could do it, she could.

Audrey nodded. "I really like the frames on the old Dakotas. I think if I could make it a little bigger for my design, I might be able to pull it off. Most farmers I've heard talking wish they would go back to non-collapsing frames because if they slide into a shallow ditch or a post at just the right angle the truck would have frame damage while an older model would keep its shape. There still needs to be a way to disperse impact shock in the event of a serious crash though."

And here came Missy's lecture about what the farmers said they wanted on their trucks and ways to accomplish those wants and needs. She never understood a word of what Audrey said but she was glad her friend was feeling better. She was having a rough day earlier. If that meant listening to a lecture about steel frames and the pros and cons of collapsible frames and the quality of materials, then so be it.

Missy could see a group of the new guys around them tuning in to Audrey's lecture. She may not be popular because of her hard unapproachable exterior, but they wouldn't have a problem asking Missy to ask her about a car problem later. She tried very hard to listen to her friend. Just then John sat down next to Audrey. Missy sat still, Audrey was about to take the head off this poor boy.

"Hi John." Audrey said and then launched back into her spiel.

Ok, Audrey actually greeted him.... Missy thought to herself. How does she know this kid? She never talks to anyone. And that was when the spiel became a debate about different types of car frames. Missy smiled to herself, it was about time Audrey started to make friends.

They were walking from the cafeteria when Missy approached her friend. "So when did you start actually talking to people?"

"He asked me about my car earlier."

"Oh," Missy grinned.

"Oh no you don't, no boyfriends, not for me." Audrey said seriously. "Boys are nothing but trouble."

Missy rolled her eyes, someday Audrey would realize that boys weren't the only thing that took up her thoughts, just most of it. But someday there would be a boy to sweep Audrey off her feet, and Missy would be there to see it and take pictures.

Audrey sat down on the floor in the corner of what was going to be Missy's bedroom. Missy herself was an absolute whirlwind of activity, trying to figure out where she wanted everything to go. James had escaped to the shop to find room in a small back room for the boxes they had stored in this room. That left Audrey putting up shelves for all of Missy's cookbooks and Missy actually carrying most of those boxes herself.

"Do you need a ride to the school for the game tonight?" Audrey asked, looking down at her friend as she hung up white Christman lights around the room. Christmas lights, in her room!

"Nope," Missy replied with a grin, "Ashely said she would pick me up."


Missy let the silence drag for a little bit before asking slyly, "So, you and John seem to be getting along."

Audrey started laughing, "He's a werewolf Missy."

"Oh come on Audrey! You have got to show some interest in somebody at some point." Missy crossed her arms at her friend who was currently dying of laughter.

Audrey finally pulled herself under control, "Oh Missy, you know I wouldn't date a wolf. And besides, I thought you were the one who wanted a boyfriend."

"Maybe." Her mind drifted to the man that spoiled all others for her. She had only seen him once, but that had been enough for him to outshine every other male she had ever seen.

Audrey straightened up, "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing,"Missy sighed dejectedly before changing the subject, "So that new teacher is really cute."

"I see you're trying to change the subject." Audrey said.

Missy grinned to herself, she didn't deny it. "So you do think he is cute."

Audrey just sniffed and picked up a box to carry to the shop with Missy snickering behind her.

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