Part 16

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Audrey examined herself in front of the bathroom mirror. The ankle-length dress was absolutely elegant, her dad bought it for her with this event in mind. It was black and simply cut, and she had no idea what to do with her hair. The dark strands were full of frizz with absolutely no way to tame it. It was Christmas Eve and they were being admitted into the pack.

"I don't want to do this," Audrey told her reflection. "To many fucking people," Or wolves, she thought to herself.

Missy popped her head in the bathroom's open door with a big grin, "Please tell me you were about ready to come get me to do your hair and makeup?"

Audrey sighed, "I need help." her head bowed.

"Oh come on," Missy said, tilting her friend's chin up and gently wiping a tear, and let out a gasp. "You're crying, you never cry."

"I do," Audrey said softly, "I just don't cry in front of people."

"Well," Missy said, her smile returning, "Let's get you fixed up to go to that party you and James are going to." Audrey nodded her acquiescence.

Missy took her to her room and sat her down with her back to the mirror and began setting out all of the things she would need.

"Why can't I watch you do it? It's my hair and face." Audrey said, trying to turn around in Missy's folding chair.

"Because," Missy replied, directing her head by her hair. "You can't watch the magic happen, trust the magician."

Audrey could hear the happiness in Missy's voice and it made her lips quirk in a small smile as her hair got pulled this way and that.

A good while later Missy finished up the last touches with a dark red lipstick. "Ok, you can turn around now."

Audrey looked behind herself into the mirror. Missy was right, she could work magic. She had somehow tamed the absolute mess she called her hair and transformed her plain features into something beautiful. Her hair had been expertly swept away from her face with a braid leading into a bun. It was beautiful. The only thing Audrey ever did with her hair was leave it in a braid or pulled into a messy bun to keep it out of the way while she was working in the shop, and that was on a good day.

"How?" She asked Missy.

"I told you, I'm a magician." Missy stated with a smile.

"Audrey? You ready?" James called from the other side of the house. He had both their overnight bags in his hand.

"Coming!" She yelled back, and then caught Missy in a hug.

"Wow, tears and then physical contact, you're getting soft." Missy teased as she hugged her best friend back. "Now, go slay every cute guy at this party you guys are going to." Audrey pulled back and grinned at her friend before grabbing her phone and hurrying off to where her dad had started the truck.

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