part 26

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The diner was busy, and Missy liked it that way. It was just the right kind of busy, not balls to the walls where no one could breathe, and not so slow she wanted to shoot herself, a good busy. She was just setting down drinks at one of her tables when he walked in. She did a double take, it was him, the man she hadn't seen for over a year, the man she had tried so hard to tell herself was just a dream. He looked like a dream, not to tall with blond hair that shone like a halo in the sun.

She snapped back to reality, "are you guys ready to order or would you like a few minutes?" She jotted down their orders but her eyes followed the dream-man. After she got back to the kitchen, she took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. Why was she reacting like this when she had only seen the man once before? And a year ago at that? Was it stupid she had refused every offer of a date because of him? Considering that he obviously had no interest in her, and she wasn't old enough last year anyway, definitely. It wasn't that she didn't want to date and have fun, she just didn't think it fair to the guy if her mind was on someone else.

She peaked around the corner. He was sitting at the bar and no one had helped him yet, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Can I get you anything?" She smiled.

"Your number," the blond devil replied with a grin that made her insides turn to water.

She could feel her cheeks burning bright red, "can I get you anything to drink?"

"Water, no ice."

"Oooh, whos got your face turning that bright red, Missy?" Stephanie, the owner of the diner, asked as she filled a glass with the water.

Her blush deepend, "the man at the bar...."

Stephanie laughed, and then winked. Oh boy, Missy thought, here we go, as Stephanie sauntered up to the blond devil. She couldn't hear what they were saying but she could see him write something down on her notepad.

Stephanie strutted back over and presented her prize. "You're welcome."

Missy unfolded the paper, just as she thought, his number was scrawled there. The ball was in her court she guessed.

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