part 30

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"Its safe now," Drake breathed in Audrey's ear. He couldn't believe it, she was finally in his arms. The mate bond tugged at him to kiss her again, to complete the bond, but he didn't think she was ready. She would have to be the one to lead this dance. He didn't want to let her go now that she was finally in his arms but they needed to make sure the rest of the pack was safe. And her phone was buzzing in her pocket.

"You'd probably better get that," he said, softly as his mouth was right next to her ear.

She pulled away from him and pulled her phone out of her back pocket before raising it to her ear. "Hello."

"Audrey, are you safe?" A stern voice came over the line.

"Yes Dad, I'm safe. Drake pulled me into a cellar, we are ok."

Drake could hear James' sigh of relief and his voice softened from the other end of the line. "Good, I want you to stay right there, I'm on my way. You got your knife? And you said Drake was with you? Can I talk to him?"

"Yes. I've got it." She replied before handing the phone off to Drake.

"Mr. Craftsburn," he greeted.

"Do you carry?"

The question caught him off guard, he was a werewolf, why would he need a gun? "No, sir....."

"Ok, just sit tight. Give me your exact location, I'll be there in a minute or two."

"Yes, sir." Drake replied and gave him directions to their hideout. Audrey pressed into his side again and laid her head on his shoulder. She was to tall to put his chin on top of her head so he laid his cheek against her hair and wrapped his arms back around her. He could feel the anxiety coming off her in waves. One of her arms was wrapped around him, the other palmed her knife's handle.

Sunlight illuminated them a short while later, James was there quickly, true to his word. His worried eyes scanned his daughter before the stress in them finally relaxed.

"Is Missy ok?" Audrey asked, pulling away from Drake. It wasn't a hurried movement, she was simply turning her attention from him to her dad.

"Missy is fine. She was home when I felt the attack through the pack bond. I got her holed up in the back of the shop in case someone comes looking for trouble."

"You left her in the gun shop?" Audrey asked.

"She's been to the range enough times with us. And its solid concrete, nothing will get to her until we can get back. It was safer than her riding with me into a possible attack."

"True. But she's also accident prone, hopefully she still has all her fingers when we get back."

James chuckled, "She's got more sense than that despite being a blonde, she'll be ok."

Missy was having flashbacks to when she was little. She took a deep breath, "the lock is on the inside," she told herself, "I can get out whenever I want." She took another deep breath and traced the lock. Her parents used to lock her in her room without food for days when she was small. Well, smaller, she wasn't very big as an adult. She hated it in this tiny concrete cell.

James had burst through the diner door with a hand on his pistol grip right as the sirens went off. Chaos had ensued and the EMT's who had been sitting down for a meal sprang up as their radios started to go crazy. Stephanie had told her to go with James with a panicked note in her voice. Wolves had started running through the streets and James barred the door with his broad frame discouraging the huge wolves with bullets if they came to close. Two had fallen to his well placed aim but those weren't the only bodies. Several humans had been mauled, left to bleed out on the pavement.

As soon as there were no wolves running through the streets, James grabbed her by the arms and shook her. Only then did she realize that he was trying to talk to her, the shock had overcome her senses. "Missy, Missy! Come on we need to go. Now!"

She allowed herself to be led to the truck and climbed in. James shut the door behind her, his head on a swivel, and walked over to the drivers seat. "Where's Audrey?" She managed to whisper.

"At the pack house. I'm taking you home. Open the glove box," she did as instructed, a gun sat on top on the inevitable stack of napkins, "you said that one fit your hands best the last time we went to the range. Be careful, there is one in the chamber."

"Yes, sir." She gingerly took the gun out as they pulled in the driveway.

"Stay in the truck," James said as he hopped out. He went to the side door of the garage and unlocked the door before walking back to the truck and opening her door. He walked close behind her, guarding her back as they went into the garage. He led her to the backroom where he kept his small gunshop.

"I want you to stay in this room and lock the door when I leave. Do not open it for anyone other than me, or Mr. Richard, you understand?" She nodded. "Good." He pulled out a big metal box of ammunition. "If anyone else somehow manages to get through, you shoot their asses you understand?" She nodded again.

"Good, now lock the door behind me and remember, open it for no one other than me or Mr. Richard. This room is solid concrete, you'll be safe here while I go get Audrey."

"Whats going on? What were those things attacking people?" Missy felt the panic begin to overwhelm her and tears started down her cheeks.

James wrapped her in his big bear hug. "Its gonna be ok, but I need you to stay safe here while I go get Audrey ok? I'll explain everything tonight when we are all safe. Ok?"

She nodded in his shoulder, "ok." She snifled, then accepted the filled magazines James gave her and locked the door behind him

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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