Part 18

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"That wasn't so bad, was it?" James whispered to her.

Audrey shot her father an exasperated look before scanning the crowd for any way to escape. Soft music was playing and some people danced while others just stood by the sidelines with their drinks and socialized. Audrey just wanted to get away from the crowd but she knew that she was doomed to stay for the next several hours and get acquainted with these people.

"I'm going to get a drink, you want anything?" Her father asked her.

Audrey shook her head no, she wasn't thirsty. He wasn't gone but two seconds before a familiar voice startled her.

"You look lovely tonight."

She whipped around and was already swinging. Luckily, Drake dodged the punch. "Remind me to never sneak up on you again." He smiled.

She immediately turned red, "I'm so sorry, my fight-or-flight response is just a little more fight than flight."

Drake chuckled. "No harm done, would you like to dance?"

He offered his hand just when her dad came back into view. He looked at her and deliberately stopped moving towards her while giving her an encouraging smile. She was supposed to be socializing and at least this wasn't a complete stranger. But there was one little problem....

"I don't know how to dance." Audrey said so quietly she was surprised when his smile got bigger and he said.

"I'll teach you."

She looked back at her dad for advice and he nodded in encouragement. "Ok." she said and took his hand. Tingles shot up her arm as he led her to the edge of the dance floor. It was a slow song and the dance wasn't hard. In only a few repetitions the box waltz he led her in became simple.

"You have good rhythm." Drake complimented.

"Thank you," she replied politely. She was trying to avoid his eyes at all cost. Drake was a good leader and gently took her a few rounds of the room. He would gradually teach her more advanced moves and she learned them all quickly.

A few more songs went by, some slow, some a little faster, and soon both dancers were in need of a drink and a rest.

"Wait here," Drake said, "I'll get us something to drink." His long strides soon lost him in the press of people.

John walked up to Audrey after Drake left, "having fun?"

"Yes," Audrey replied. "So what does a Beta do?" she had learned his rank during the ceremony.

He shrugged, "Mostly just the day to day problems. Stuff a larger pack's Alpha would have trouble keeping up with."

Audrey nodded her understanding. "So you take care of the little problems."

"Yeah, a Beta mostly takes care of the people while the Alpha takes care of the pack as a whole. A Beta tries to make sure all new members feel comfortable in their new environment and place them in the jobs that will fit them best. I only hope I do as well as my dad does now."

"I'm sure you will," Audrey smiled at the boy she had come to accept as a friend.

"I'm glad to see you and Drake are getting along." John said.

She spotted the man in question walking towards them with a drink in each hand. "Why would we need to get along?"

"It's not my place to say..." He looked away nervously. "I'm going to go see if my sister wants to dance." Audrey watched him get up curiously, did someone else know?

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