Part 2

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Audrey met up with Missy at their locker just in time for seventh hour Lit. The girls walked in together and, Audrey leading, sat in the back corner so that she could observe the whole class while being somewhat unobtrusive.

Shortly after the bell rang a tall, dark, lanky fellow who looked like he was right out of college walked in and introduced himself. He walked with the grace of an athlete, his scent was akin to the new students but was also different, sharper.

"Sorry I'm late," the lanky fellow said, glancing around the room. When his gaze fell on Audrey, surprise and another emotion she couldn't put a name to flashed along with the gold that ever so briefly covered his irises. "My name is Mr. Newman and here," he paused to grab a stack of papers, "I'll be taking over for Ms. Pulley." She tried to appear relaxed as he continued telling the class that they would finish the plans Ms. Pulley had until Christmas break and then would turn to Shakespeare. Shakespeare of all things! Audrey internally groaned.

Missy, for her part, was transfixed on Mr. Newman. She seemed to be so caught up in his voice that she wouldn't be able to remember a word that was being said. A hint of jealousy spiked in Audrey's stomach, why was she jealous? Missy ogled all men. She was jealous though, and she couldn't squash the feeling so she pushed it to the back of her mind with his scent for later pondering.

Mr. Newman's eyes kept falling on Audrey, and every time they did, that damned curiosity (and was that excitement?) would flash. As for her part, her body seemed to be rebelling against every attempt to keep relaxed every time he so much as glanced her way. Anxiety kept bubbling in her stomach, why was he so curious?

Finally, the last bell rang and Audrey gathered her notebook and folder and walked on unsteady feet through the door to the hallway. She fished her keys out of her bag while stuffing what was in her hands in it. She quickly grabbed Missy and headed out to the car, all the while feeling Mr. Newman's eyes scalding her back.

It was a good thing she got there when she did because that group of boys from that morning, surrounding her car. She glared at them.

"Where did you get a car like this?" The tallest one whistled his appreciation.

"I fixed it." Audrey replied curtly. They nodded sagely.

Missy gave a pained smile to Audrey before turning a bright one to the new guys. "Hi, I haven't seen you guys here before, what are your names?"

The tallest of the trio stepped forward after the other two glanced at him, "I'm John," he introduced himself, "and this is Daniel and Colby." he gestured to the other two who nodded in greeting. All three of them were big, tall and broad-shouldered, marking them out as higher ranking wolves. Enforcers if she had to guess.

Audrey just ignored them, throwing her backpack in the backseat before turning the key in the ignition. The engine roared to life and then dulled to a healthy, low rumble. "Nice to meet you," she grumbled. "Now if you guys would please move, I have to go help my father in the shop." They moved and Audrey pulled out of the parking lot.

"We really need to work on your people skills," Missy said after they had driven off. Audrey was taking Missy to work.

"Do you know what they are?" Audrey asked as she handed the cd case to Missy who did a little bounce with delight. "They are werewolves, Missy."

Missy's eyes widened in shock, "Really? I've never met one before, how can you tell?"

Audrey shrugged, "I just can."

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