Part 6

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Volbeat - 7:24

"So your wife was a werewolf you said?" Alpha Richards asked.

James nodded his assent. "One of Mary's good friends called me the other day and told me you guys were trying to start a new type of pack. I figured I should make you aware of Audrey's being a half-born, and I think the support of a pack would be good for her. She has been on her own for the most part for way too long."

"It may be difficult adjusting to a pack after not growing up in one." Alpha Richards said. "Are you sure you want to join?"

"With all respect sir, you need skilled members in your pack with all the backlash you're going to get and I could use all the support I can get to send Audrey to a good school." James said.

"You have a very good point." Alpha Richards leaned back in his chair. "I'll talk to Evelyn when she returns from the school and we can set a date for the initiation. Has she ever shown what type of half-born she is?"

"I don't think she has ever really explored that part of her, to be completely honest. I know her senses are a little sharper than a human's but if there has been any evidence of having special abilities other than that she hasn't told me." James answered honestly, although, his thoughts said, she knew there was a pack in town before I told her. He would have to ask her about that. "Out of curiosity, why do you ask?"

Alpha Richards took a deep breath, "Were you aware that Audrey is destined to be a wolf's mate?"

It was James' turn to take a deep breath, "No. I wasn't. Who is he?"

"I will strongly recommend to him that he introduce himself soon, but that is his responsibility. He wasn't sure how to approach you as he wasn't completely sure what your daughter was exactly, but with you having been a wolf's mate yourself and her being a half-born it will make things much more smooth."

"What about her dreams? Will she still be able to go to college?" James asked.

"I'm sure her mate will want that. He values education very highly." Alpha Richards smiled.

James looked at the Alpha doubtfully. "I expect to meet this boy very soon to have a talk."

"Of course. Are there any questions about joining?"

"I have a human girl moving in with us very soon. Melissa Carter's parents don't deserve a daughter like her." James fists clenched at the thought, who would neglect their child like that?

Alpha Richards leaned back in his chair. "I hate those kinds of situations." James nodded his agreement. "I will put her under some limited protection in case of an emergency situation, she just wouldn't be an official part of the pack."

James nodded, "I couldn't ask for more." And the two men stood up to shake on the new agreement.

Alpha Richards paused for a moment as he felt his mate return to the pack grounds and linked her a greeting. "Would you like to stay for dinner Mr. Crafsburn? Evelyn just got back from picking up some new members, I'm sure she would love to meet you."

"Unfortunately I have to decline the offer Alpha," Jams stood up from his chair and offered a hand, "I have work that needs to be done back at the shop, and Audrey is probably wondering where I'm at."

"Well Mr. Craftsburn, it was nice of you to drop by." Alpha Richards said, standing to shake James' hand. "It'll be nice to have a mechanic in the pack."

"It will be nice to have the support of one again." James replied.

James followed the Alpha back towards the front door and out onto the lawn where James' truck was parked. James was just getting ready to start the engine when what he would call "junk fodder" pulled into the drive alongside him.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," Alpha Richard muttered under his breath, low enough James couldn't hear him. Before straightening up to greet the teacher, "Hello Drake, I'd like you to meet James Craftsburn, he and his daughter will be joining our pack."

Drake nodded, the plan was for the pack to be mixed from the start. He didn't feel ready to meet his mate's father but it would be better to get it over with now instead of having the man find out later he could have told him now.

"Your daughter just gave me a jump." Drake stated.

James lifted his eyebrow, it didn't surprise him she gave him a jump, with the look of that car and the sounds it had made before dying on the grass, but what was that look that had flitted across his face? He was fairly young, no older than twenty-six. Could it be? "If you have something to say boy, spit it out before you choke on it."

"Yes sir," Drake gulped, "How come you are joining the pack?"

"My late wife was a wolf, your new pack is in need of skilled workers and I fit the bill," Cut the small talk boy, James thought, I see through you.

"So you're familiar with werewolf mates?"

James just nodded and crossed his arms. The boy might be a wolf, but James was used to hard labor and it showed.

"Your daughter, Audrey, I....." Drake swallowed again, who knew this moment would be so nerve wracking? "She is my mate."

"I see." James replied, making Drake's insides tighten. "You haven't made any sort of move on her otherwise she would have told me." It wasn't a question, Audrey would have told him, they only had each other and that bond was treasured.

Drake nodded. "Of course not sir, I wanted to wait until she graduated and then talk to you."

"Good. Audrey doesn't like people very much and what she remembers of her old pack wasn't very pleasant." James took a deep breath, "I leave you to tell her in your own time." Her teacher? Seriously? Holy Moon Goddess, what are you doing?

Drake's insides finally stilled. "Yes sir."

James nodded. Mary ecstatic at his proposal, Mary smiling with happy tears in her eyes at their wedding, Mary looking tired in a hospital gown with his baby girl in her arms, she was always in the back of his mind. If this boy, the father instinct in him wouldn't let him see the other man as anything else, hurt his baby girl he would end him, werewolf or not. He loved her first and nothing would ever change that, she had become his world when she was born and his universe when Mary died. He thought the message was received when he shook the boy's hand and said his goodbye's.

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