part 24

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Audrey was carefully placing the few things she brought with her into her overnight bag when her father walked in.

"You know you can leave that here right? This room is ours." He asked his daughter. She nodded.

"You talk to your mate this morning?" He asked. Audrey's hands slowed to a stop as she shook her head no. "Why not?"

Her cheeks turned bright red, "I- he-" she took a breath and tried again, "he was shirtless." She barely breathed out.

James couldn't help himself, he roared with laughter. His daughter was hiding from her mate because he didn't have a shirt on. She never even flinched when shirtless guys were working outside or came to the shop, it was a small town, nobody gave a flying fuck. His little girl, who had never shown any of the typical interest in any male at all, not even posters of singers and stuff he always figured came with the territory of having a girl. She had never shown interest in girls either, not that he would have cared either way as long as his baby girl was happy, but the fact that she was flustered because a man was running around shirtless was comical to him. The blush deepening on her face wasn't helping him stop his laughter.

As soon as he saw her hands start to shake though, the laughter died and he immediately scooped her up for a bear hug. "I'm sorry for laughing Audrey," Her body started shaking and his stomach sank. It had been so long since she had a panic attack in front of him. He squeezed her even harder like he used to when she was little. Sometimes the pressure worked, and she would calm down, sometimes it didn't. "Breathe Audrey," he took a deep breath, "breathe in," he exhaled, "breathe out." She copied his breathing and soon the shaking stopped. He could feel the tears starting to soak his shirt but he didn't care, he just stroked her hair like he used to when she was little.

"Whats scaring you so bad about talking to him?" He asked once he knew the tears had stopped.

She kept her head tucked under his chin, "He isn't gonna want a halfbreed, dad. I'll just be a liability to him."

"Audrey," he pushed her away from him and held her shoulders, "Look at me. You're not a liability. I taught you how to fight. You maybe not be as physically strong but you're a smart fighter and quick with a knife. You're a terrific shot with your rifle and your pistol, and as soon as you turn 21 we will get you your conceal and carry license. You're not a liability, you can hold your own." He wiped a tear from her cheek, "have you looked at this pack? Only about half the members are full wolf. There are many human mates and the Luna herself is a halfblood. You're heritage is not going to make him think less of you," James grinned, "and if it does I'll shoot him." Audrey let out a little gasp of laughter.

"But English is my worst subject, he probably thinks I'm stupid."

"He probably understands that English isn't your strongest subject, yes. But that doesn't mean your stupid, it just means your talents lie elsewhere, and he knows that. The Moon Goddess puts together mates that complement each other, you're gonna have different strengths, those strengths will help cover where the other one is weak."

Audrey took a deep breath, "You're right." Her voice came out calm and steady, "I'll talk to him before we leave."

"Good," James hugged his daughter again before standing up and organizing his things in one of the small dressers to leave there in case he needed them.

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