Part 3

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As his very first day of teaching, Drake Newman didn't think it went too poorly. In fact, he was ecstatic, and nervous. At least he didn't have to create his own lesson plans for a while. He would have to ask the Alpha on the best way to proceed. Imagine finding out that his mate was in his last class and she was... different. She wasn't human, but she wasn't a werewolf either; in fact, she was similarly to Luna Evelyn. He needed to talk to the Alpha.

The engine ticked as it tried and failed to turn over, again. He rested his head down on the wheel with exasperation not knowing how his mate had done that very same thing that morning. His parents had given him the car brand new when he first got his license at sixteen and he had been very meticulous when it came to maintenance and it had served him well until last year when it started having problems. He couldn't afford to get a new one though, he still had a lot of student loans to pay off. After a few more tries the engine finally turned over and the car came to life sluggishly. Maybe the pack had a car he could borrow? Today was just a bundle of mixed feelings.

Drake drove straight to the packhouse. He was part of a forming pack and he was the only teacher currently. He liked how small the town was, it reminded him of where he grew up. He had so many pups to help tutor when he got done talking to the Alpha.

After parking the car, Drake walked up to the Alpha's office and knocked politely. "Come in," came the reply.

Alpha Richard set down his paperwork and took off his reading glasses, he was starting to get up there in years and was waiting for his son to come back from college with a medical degree so he could retire. He had been an excellent Beta in his last pack, but it had gotten too big to provide for itself and Luna Evelyn was part of a strong Alpha bloodline, even though she was a half-blood. They were trying to start a new hospital, and the building was almost completed. "Ah, Drake, how was the first day of school?"

"I found my mate." Drake blurted. The Alpha's head perked up a little more and a smile spread across his face. "She is a student, and..." he trailed off, not really sure how to tell the Alpha about Audrey.

The Alpha nodded thoughtfully. "And? No wait, let me call Evelyn." Richard's eyes unfocused slightly as he linked his wife to come up. He never did anything without her input.

Luna Evelyn did not take long in coming, she had been just down the hall helping some of the younger pups with their homework. She was a strong woman with strict rules and a kind smile. She walked over to her mate and they exchanged a quick kiss in greeting, a mandatory ritual for them, before she turned to Drake. "What seems to be the problem?"

"I found my mate among my students." Drake swallowed.

"That's wonderful! Who is it?"

"Audrey Craftsburn." Drake replied.

"Is she human?" Luna Evelyn asked.

"That's the problem Luna, I don't know what she is." Drake gave an exasperated sigh.

Alpha Richard perked up, "You said her name was Craftsburn?" Drake nodded in confirmation. "I have a meeting tomorrow morning with a James Craftsburn about him and his daughter. I think he said her name was Audrey. I'm sure he can shed some light on the situation."

"What do you mean, you don't know what she is?" Luna Evelyn asked.

"She doesn't smell wolf, or human. In fact, she smells a lot like you Luna." Drake replied honestly.

"I think the best thing for now is to just continue like she was any other student. She is probably a half-blood as her father is a human. We should know more about what to do after tomorrow." Luna Evelyn said calmly.

"We will keep you in the loop," Alpha Richards said.

"Yes Alpha, thank you Luna." Drake said politely, standing up to go.

"I'm glad you came to us," Luna said, "and you know our door is always open if you need anything."

Drake nodded and walked out of the office and down the hall where the pups still in school would all be congregated to do homework. He could help them with that. His mate was never far from his thoughts though.

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