Part 14

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"We should hit the mall first!" Missy squealed. Audrey had agreed to take her Christmas shopping since her dad said he could handle the shop on his own that day.

"Ok." Audrey acquiesced. The mall wasn't a bad spot to start, maybe just maybe they would have some old Dale Earnhart gear. If not the plan was to order one for James because the hoodie he had was starting to fall apart. Missy was already bouncing around with excitement and they weren't even through the door yet!

When they actually got into the mall, Missy's excitement started to spill into Audrey's mood as well. Soon both of the girls were giggling as they rushed from shop to shop. They had saved up for this trip and it was a rule that clothing other than socks and hoodies was not to be gifted so these were fair game.

Missy grabbed Audrey's arm and started dragging her into what was probably doomed to be their most expensive stop: Victoria's Secret.

"Why?" Audrey asked her friend. Was she just delighting in torturing her?

"Because you need some new underwear and they are on sale." Missy said in her I'm-not-taking-your-shit voice.

Audrey just sighed and let herself be dragged towards the drawers full of admittedly pretty underwear. If she was going to be dragged around this place she may as well give in and let Missy do what she has been really wanting to do. "Ok, you can pick me out three pairs of underwear and two bras." The look of absolute delight on Missy's face made Audrey's apprehension grow. "But," she raised a finger, "I get final say."

Missy's eyes narrowed, "You get final say on the bras, not the underwear." Missy paused, then saw Audrey about to speak. "And, I get a bra and the remaining four pairs of underwear for the deal."

Audrey sighed again and nodded, resigned to her fate. "There better not be any butt floss." she mumbled.

Missy laughed and proceeded to paw through the underwear. After she had made her choice on those they made their way to the bras.

"How about this one?" Missy asked, mischief all over her face.

Audrey looked at the "bra" with a look of absolute horror. "No! Absolutely not!" she hissed, trying to keep her voice down. "I will not wear something that looks like a pile of strings."

Missy had no such inhibition and laughed at her friend's reaction to the "pile of strings". She had shown her the bra as a joke and now that she had the reaction she wanted she picked a bra that would be more to her friend's liking. Audrey typically wore dark colors, a black bra would be practical. She doesn't need a push-up, Missy laughed to herself as she went over to the larger cup sizes. Where Audrey had a fairly narrow waist, she had been blessed up top. It was hard to find 34DDD bras anywhere else. Missy knew Audrey had never actually had a bra that fit right and often would modify the cheap ones she would break down and buy herself. She showed her find to Audrey and got an approving nod.

"It's a good thing you decided to measure us last night," Audrey said looking towards the dressing rooms where they could hear someone talking about getting measured. That was not a process she wanted to do with anyone around.

"Mmm-hmm." Missy half-heartedly replied as she moved on to the lounge bras. She pulled out a pretty, lacy, dark red bralette and held it up for inspection.

Audrey lifted her eyebrow. "Why?"

"Well, you need a lounge bra?" Missy suggested. "And it matches the underwear I picked out."

Audrey huffed and shook her head slightly, "I guess." She was ready to agree to almost anything as long as it got her out of this store, now.

Missy let out a small squeal of glee, then quickly moved to pick a bra out for herself. It didn't take long to find a nude bra, and it was versatile! It could be strapless or the straps could be manipulated for a variety of fits, just what she needed. She gave herself a satisfied nod and headed towards the check-out.

As soon as the lady finished ringing everything up Audrey whipped her card out and paid before Missy had half a chance to wrangle her cash into submission.

Missy glared at Audrey, but before she could open her mouth Audrey said, "You can pay for dinner."

"That won't cover what we spent."

Audrey sighed, "Will it make you feel better if I let you help with the groceries later?"

Missy tilted her head, blond curls falling over her shoulder, and nodded once.

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