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" if you are really challenging me then fine......" I said, ignoring his words of stupidity. " you don't have to take tension of him, think about yourself. Meet you in tge coucil room. " I said and left the hall.  Soo min came running behind me.

PT period

All the class was leaving for the ground and I was just thinking what mess both of them were going to create in an open ground.

Suddenly a boy bumped into me.
" i am sorry. " he said, he seems to be in hurry.
" where are you running. This is seniors place." I said.
"Sorry sunbe, have you seen y/n noona." He said innocently.
" who y/n noona" I asked in confusion.
" head council. " he said and now I was speechless.
" do you know how she look like" I asked him.
"Of course" he said and I smiled in amusement.
" it's her PT period, go and find her in the ground. Are you sure you know how she look like?" I asked him again and he quickly nodded.
"good then go ahead." I said he bowed me and started running out.

" y/n why didn't you told him ?" Asked jimin who was just standing behind me with taehyung.
" what I didn't told him?" I said, like I have done nothing. " he didn't ask who is y/n noona." I said.
"do you know that boy?" He said. "actually I know him by face not by name. He is quite active in co curricular activities and had won many prizes. " I said.
" why was he looking for you?" He asked.
"I don't know.....let's find out. " I said in excitement and I started walking fastly towards ground, both the boys where faster then me though I started earlier but they were head of me.

We reached the ground, that boy was still finding y/n noona. I smiled at his innocence or what can i call that. I took my books and sat on an perfect place to study. I don't have much friends in this class, so I usually study in extra time.

The boy after finding everywhere asked jimin who was talking to taehyung "have you seen y/n noona.... council head." He looked at me and he nodded. I was looking both of them.
" should I show you?" Asked jimin politely.
" yes please!!!" Said the boy.

Jimin kept his arm on boy's shoulder and started to walk towards me. I pretended studying again.
" here she is" said jimin. I looked up. "have you found y/n noona?" I asked him with a poker face. But he was quite intelligent.
" noona are you Lee y/n?" He asked ignoring my words.
" aaaa.... yes I am Lee y/n." I said.
" why don't you told me that earlier?" He asked me with a pout.
" were you asking for me, you said you know how she look.... so I was also a bit confused. " I said innocently. "actually...." he said.
" come sit here.... what happen?" I asked him, pulling him out of embarrassment.
" do you know me?" He asked.
" yes.....  jeon jungkook.. right?" I said and he filled with joy.
" noona actually today is my birthday..." he said and I nodded.

Jimin and taehyung both of them have taken seat beside me.
" I want to invite you on my birthday. " he said.
" and what about us?" Said taehyung. Aw he is so cute around little kids but he is still on my hit list... may be not one becauseof won shik and ae ri but of course he had his 3rd place secured. "you are also invited. " he said without hesitation.
"Happy birthday jungkook but I don't think my parents would allow me." I said.
" I will talk to your parents. " he said and I widen my eyes.
"jungkook tell me one thing why you want to invite me?" I asked him quite amused.
" he likes you." Said taehyung and I give him 'do you have brain look'. Jungkook cheeks turn red.
" because you said you will come." Jungkook said.
" have I?" I asked in confusion.
" yes you on the coucil ceremony " he said.
" oh is that so....I will try......" I said  hesitatedly.
" i will consider that a yes... thank you so much" he said and ran towards his class.

" you said you don't know his name?" Jimin said, questioning my honesty.
" it was written on his batch." I said.


School end.... 4:00pm

Ae-ri, taehyung, jimin, won shik and i were going to council room.
Ae-ri and won shik were walking before three of us.
" taehyung please don't fight there." I almost plead.

Ae-ri open the door of the room. Vise president was already in. " afternoon sunbe" jimin and i said together and took our seats. Being council head I have a specific seat in the room and jimin also have a seat being council member. Other three were standing there.

" good afternoon" said namjoon.
" where is president?" I asked.
" she will not come today she said. She has gone to library." He said.
" ohh.. ok" I said.

Then the door opened exposing our disciplinary head.
" afternoon sunbe" I said and so do jimin.
" afternoon..... so they are the three." Yoongi sunbe asked.
" yes" said namjoon.
" hmmmm so who is going to explain me the scenario. " yoongi sunbe said. "yoongi sunbe nim.... I am the class president of 10 E, he is Kim taehyung and he is Choi won shik." Cho ae-ri introduced all of them dramatically, with all of her hand movements.
"Why do you think I was asking for your name. Assigning you punishment don't need that." He said. " why are you here" he said.

He is he.

"they both were fighting." She said straight, over acting yoongi sunbe in calling the hell..
" sunbe I want to show you something." I said, before he could said anything.
" related to this matter?" Yoongi said. "yes" I said.
" show?" He asked.
I handed over my phone to him and namjoon sunbe was also looking to the phone.
" this video" I said.
They both saw the video.
" so you.... do you have any explanation?" Asked yoongi sunbe to choi won shik. He remained silent.
" ok I will consider that a no, and what about you tae- taehyung. Am I right?" Yoongi said.
" yes Hyung, he tried to pick a fight. He started it." Said taehyung confidently, i was impressed by the way taehyung called yoongi sunbe Hyung.
"which class do you belong?" Yoongi asked.
" 10th" said taehyung.
"don't you think it's a bit too lame answer to give?" Yoongi said, relaxing his back on chair.
"sunbe I also want to say something" I interrupted.
" what y/n?" He said annoyed, he was interested in Kim taehyung( please don't get me wrong).
"I want to report a bullying case." I said. "BULLYING " said namjoon and I nodded.
"Of our school?" He asked again and I nodded again.
" go ahead." Said yoongi sunbe.
"A girl was eating her lunch in hall and Choi won shik sat next to her and started talking rubbish and when she asked him to leave he denied. And when that girl tried to leave that place this boy stood in front of him and girls plate fall from her hands and her dress got spoiled and he picked on her again and again. I consider this a case of bullying." I said, jimin, taehyung and won shik all were looking to me with shock.
" this creature?" Asked yoongi pointing won shik, i really won't to brust into laughter on the word creature but yoongi sunbe was in front of me.
" yes sunbe " I said.
" and who is the girl you mentioned?" Namjoon asked while drinking water. "ask him" I said causally.
" Choi won shik who is the girl I mentioned, please give me the full name." I said, he eyes were darted on me and an evil smirk appeard on my face.... don't try me boy.
" i don't know" he said innocently.
" and if i got to know the name from someone else.... mind my words you will be suspended for 1 whole week." Yoongi sunbe warned him.
He took a deep breath
" its Lee y/n " he said, ae-ri eyes popped out of her eyes, namjoon Sunbe slit the water he was drinking out.
" it that girl you?" Asked namjoon to actually confirm was that me.
"yes I am victim." I said sarcastically.

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