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" Fine.....  So what do you want him to do? I am keeping this completely up to you." Said yoongi sunbe.

" the mess which he created in the hall is still not cleaned, so it would be completely perfect if Choi won shik could clean that up." I said.

" he will...... well said, punishment assigned and for the mess you two created in class for that you have to apologize to principal in writing. I hope you know how to do it. And you Kim SSI don't write your stupid excuse 'he started first' on letter. Got it? " said yoongi sunbe and both the boys nodded.

" and what about you, why you are here?" Yoongi sunbe asked ae-ri. 

" she is the class president of their class, we just want to know what she was doing while they were fighting?" Said namjoon sunbe. 

" y/n do you have something for this also? She comes under you." Said yoongi sunbe.

" actually.... coincidently yes. I have a vedio which by mistake captured cho ae-ri, class president. " I said with a satisfied look on my face. 

" show" Said yoongi sunbe and I showed him the vedio. 

"So, class president cho ae ri.... who do you think is more stronger?" Asked yoongi sunbe nim. 

" sorry sunbe." Only words escaped her mouth. 

" y/n what do you think will be an appropriate punishment for her?" asked namjoon sunbe.

" I think.... her teacher favors her more than other in the class. So I think it would be best if she will apologize to whole class and teacher. And will explain her fault. " I said.


" so l am choosing Lee y/n as class president." Teacher said.
" teacher I want to say something." Said cho ae-ri.
" hmm"
" teacher its continuous 6th time y/n is selected as the president of class. I think others should also get a chance. "
" if I am not wrong you were the one who gave y/n teacher's pet title?"
" n-- yes teacher"
" then if you believe that she is teacher's pet then what made you say that."
" teacher I just want to say everyone should get a chance to come up."
" well said.... so do you want to become class president?"
" if you have no issues than yes teacher"
" coincidently Lee y/n have denied for this post in the morning only but still want you all to know that she was my 1st priority for this post, but she said other should also get the class to come up. So for this year cho ae-ri is selected as class president. 

Class over..........

" don't you think teacher like you a bit more." Ae-ri said in an irritated voice.
" why I thought she liked you more....I said her three times that I don't want this post but she didn't agreed but when you said her the first time she agreed to you. So do you get it?" I said with a smile and left the class.


" fine all punishment are decided now you can leave." Said yoongi sunbe and three of them started leaving. 

" Kim taehyung you wait." Said namjoon sunbe. Other two left the room.

"as y/n said a girl was bullied by won shik and I think you all should know that taehyung saved him from her. " said namjoon sunbe. 

" namjoon don't solve riddles say fast...... its already too late." Said yoongi sunbe. 

"when won shik was bulling y/n as she said, taehyung kicked won shik which he would have seen have an act of saving y/n for sure. But actually he saved all for us from y/n's anger. Nevermind, Moreover y/n thank for just accusing him for bullying. But taehyung I would suggest you not to show your physical power in school." Said namjoon sunbe.

" you knew it already?" I asked in surprise.

" of course.... You are council head but I am vise president  y/n" he said.

" but then why didn't you said it earlier?" I asked him. 

" because I just want to see how you are going to protect your boyfriend." he said. 

" oppa.... this is not a topic to joke upon moreover...... he is not my boyfriend. " I cried. 

" that is what I am thinking that won shik accused you for this and you just said he bullied you."He asked. 

" he is new.... he will learn it soon.... ." I said being mature. 

" that all is fine.... but... what about this guy's" said jimin.

" what?" I asked. 

" today three students are on the top of dream high..... y/n, taehyung, won shik. " said Jimin. 

" taehyung and won shik I can understand but why me." i asked in confusion.

" what is written?" Namjoon sunbe asked.
" Kim taehyung DREAM BOY. Choi won shik MOST WANTED NEW BEE. Is TEACHERS PET taehyung girlfriend?" Said jimin.
" oh I am going to kill them. Who have post this nonsense?" I asked jimin.
" cho ae-ri just after she left." Jimin said.

I will not spare her at any cost..... she will pay for this.


7 pm

" eomma open the door." I said.
" coming......" eomma said.
She open the door and I step in.
"hmmm.... how was your day?"
" it can't be worse."
" what happen?"
" ae-ri has gone mad again..... she needs to be bring back on earth."

Door bell rings. I opened the door. JUNGKOOK. 

" hello noona" he said with a bunny smile on his face. 

" how did you get here?" I asked him shocked, is he stocking me? Isn't he too small for that? 

"actually I saw you coming this way.... so I thought of inviting you on my birthday for the third time." He said. 

"Have you came all alone?" I asked him, my eomma also came to door to see whom I was talking to. 

" no no Hyung is coming..... I came running." he said while pointing towars a tall boy coming towards us. 

" joon oppa? Is he your Hyung?" I asked and  he nodded.

 " he is my neighbor." Namjoon oppa said.

 "Ooooo" I said. 

" are you coming?" Jungkook asked me. I looked back to eomma and she said go. 

" ok I am coming." I said. 

" come on be fast you are late." Said jungkook and ran towards his house.


11:00 PM

" its was a long......" I said.
" indeed" said unnie
" hn..?"
" nothing "
" I am so sleepy?"
" sleep then"
" I can't sleep .....I have alot of work to be done "
" then do it"
" but I am sleepy also"
" then do what ever you want to don't eat my brain. Go to your room."

We attended jungkook's birthday party. He was very happy. After 1 hour I came back and study hard.
And now if I didn't sleep I won't be able to wake up.

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