My R

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In school, Nathan walks upstairs to the roof. He was tortured and bullied by Alice and Jason, telling him that no one would care if he's gone

Just as I was about to take my shoes, up on the rooftop there I see. A boy with a ball (Flare the Scorbunny) there before me. Despite myself, I go and scream:

Nathan: *yells* Hey. Don't do. It please.

Flare looks back and saw Nathan

Nathan: *shocked and thinks to himself* (Oh wait a minute. What did I just say? I couldn't care less either way. At the same time, I was somewhat pissed. This was an opportunity missed.)

The boy with a ball told me his woes:

Flare: You probably heard it all before.

*1st flashback*

Flare met a cute girl from the same biology class they had. They spend time hanging out with each other and Flare couldn't help but have feelings for her.

Flare: I really thought that she might be the one.

*2nd flashback*

The girl he liked was dating another boy, breaking Flare's heart

*flashbacks ended*

Flare: But then she told me she was done.

Nathan: *yells* For God's sake please! Are you serious!? I just can't believe that for some stupid reason you got here before me! *puts a hand on Flare's shoulder* Are you upset cause you can't have what you wanted? You're lucky that you've never got robbed of anything.

Flare: *smiled softly* I'm feeling better. Thank you for listening. *walks away from the roof*

The boy with a soccer ball then disappear

*next day*

Alright today's the day, or so I thought. Just as I took both my shoes off, there was but a girl with a hot tempter (Verika). Despite myself, I go and scream. The girl with the temper told me her woes:

Verika: You probably heard it all before

*memories of her former trainer abusing her flooded in her mind and Alice used it against her and with her anger issues, most of the students grew scared and kept their distance from her*

Verika: Everyone ignores me. Everyone steals. I can't fit in with anyone here.

Nathan: *yells* For God's sake please! Are you serious!? I just can't believe that for some stupid reason you got here before me! Cause even though, you're still loved by everyone at home. There's always dinner waiting on the table, you know.

Verika: *wipes away a tear* I'm hungry. *walks away*

Said the girl. She shed a tear. The girl with the bad temper then disappear

And like that, there was someone everyday. I listen to their tale. I make them turn away, and yet there was no one who would do this to me, no way I could let out all this pain

Knowing tomorrow will be his day, Nathan thinks about the ones he prevented from jumping

*next day*

For the very time, there I see. Someone with the same pains as me. Having done this time and time again, he wore a metallic steel wing (Marco)

Marco: I just wanna stop the scars that grow every time that I go home. (his old home, having memories flooded in him) That's why I came up here instead

That's what the boy with the steel wing said

Marco: *chuckled softly* Oh, wait a minute. What did I just say? I couldn't care less, either way.

But in the moment, I just screamed. Something that I did not believe.

Nathan: *screamed* Hey. Don't do. It please.

Marco didn't listen. He took off his steel automobile wing to prevent him to fly, causing Nathan to panic

Aagh-what to do?! There's no stopping him, oh this is new. For once I think I've bitten off more than I can chew

Nathan: *fell onto his knees* But even so, please just go away so I can't see. Your pitiful expression is just too much for me!

Marco waited for him to say that as he attached the steel wing back onto him. He was letting out streams of tears

Marco: *smiled* I guess today is not just not my day

He looked away from me and then he disappeared

*next day*

There's no one here, I guess it's time. It's just me, myself, and I. There's no one who can interfere. No one to get in my way here. Taking off my thick black glasses. Watching as my fur come undone. This petite boy short as can gonna jump now and be free.

Verika, Monro, Flare, Ivy, Frost and Marco grabbed him and brought him into a tight group hug. Shocked, the small buizel tears up and hugs them all back, forming a small smile.

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