Kids spending detention together

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At the yard of the school, the Young Randoom Trio (Verika, Nathan and Marco), were sitting on the bleachers watching some other Pokemon playing with each other. Suddenly, juice was poured on top of Verika's head, making the two males gasp. It was from Gang Skull (Monro, Ivy, Flare and Frost), as the four snickered from this. Ever since the first day of school, the trio were mostly picked on by the gang. One time, Marco looked for an empty and when he got past the group, Flare made him trip. The other time, Ivy took Nathan's glasses and hid them in the boy's bathroom. Now this time, Frost dumped juice on Verika's head. The gang walks away, but a rock suddenly hit Frost by the back of her head.

"Ohhhh." The three boys gasped as Frost turned around, glaring at who threw that rock. It was from Verika as she smiled innocently and says, "Oops. I guess rocks are made to throw at b*tches." The other Pokemon noticed and circled around the trio and gang. A formed fist was shown on Frost's hand as she smiled angrily. "What did you say? Little Princess?" She asked sarcastically, making the female Monferno smile angrily back before both females started catfighting each other. The other Pokemon chanted, "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" As the crowd chanted, Nathan walked over to Ivy and patted his shoulder, making the Quillidon confused. "I'm sorry it has to be this way, but..." Nathan started, before he punched Ivy in the face, causing him to stumble back. He grew angry and attacks the Buizel. That leaves Monro, Marco and Flare standing. Flare thought of something before kicking a rock purposely and punched himself on the face, making him fell back. Monro facepalmed and sighed, "I'm surrounded by idiots 🤦‍♂️."

*A few minutes later*

The trio and the gang were all sent to 3 hours in detention as they grew silent. 5 of them had bruises on their faces from fighting as only Marco and Monro have none on theirs. Verika hummed of her favorite song Make a Move. Frost heard that song and whispered, "You listen to Make a Move too, huh?" Verika raised her eyebrow, but shrugs and whispers back, "Yeah? You listen to that too?" "Yeah. I'm a big fan of the singer."

Verika smiled a bit as they whispered to each other  about the songs they liked. Flare noticed how Nathan's lens adjust by themselves and was fascinated a bit. He then began to talk to Nathan about other cool inventions he saw on videos, impressing the Buizel as he and Ivy talked to them. Marco and Monro noticed how everyone is getting along with each other and they both smiled a bit.

*after a few weeks*

They got along with each other and they would hang out most of the time. Their group will be known as RanSkull Squad

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