Pt. 27

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You, Matthew, Napoleon and Veruka were with Jenna as you five were in a cave to look for some rare fossils from Kalos. Marco, Nathan and Verika stayed in the safezone building near the cave, gathering some fossils you guys found earlier. What none of you notice was that there was a group of thieves that want fossils to sell them for a high price. While you and the others were in the cave, they attacked the safezone where the kids were. Nathan tried to contact you in a transmitter he made in case there was an emergency and not a prank call like Verika always does. You answered the call and heard his voice saying that they're being attacked until the call was cancelled. You and the others quickly rushed out of the cave and ran to the safezone, only to find the door inside was forced open. As you all went inside, you were all shocked to see the kids surrounded by a pool of their own bloods.

They're not dead, but they're severely injured since they got stabbed a few times and find the fossils you found earlier were gone.

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