Pt. 29

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Danganronpa Au

Somehow, everyone in the ranch except for Jenna got teleported somewhere and lost some memories of how you got here. All of you were teleported inside a school with a few other people. Then there was a medium sized teddy bear named Monokuma and he told you that you all have 5 days until you kill someone in the class because if you don't, the whole school will explode, with all of you in there.

(This is from the animated one)


You: Your choice

Verika: Ultimate Rebel

Nathan: Ultimate Genius

Marco: Ultimate Optimistic

Candy: Ultimate Sugar Lover

Monro: Ultimate Bully

Ivy: Ultimate Gardener

Flare: Ultimate Soccer Player

Matthew: Ultimate Detective

Veruka: Ultimate Team Leader

Napoleon: Ultimate Muscle

Cotton: Ultimate Attractor

Abigal (Monro's mom): Ultimate Homo

Steve (Ivy's dad): Ultimate Fighter

Calem (Flare's dad): Ultimate Coach

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