My oc's and rules

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Rule 1: Swearing is allowed, but censor it
Rule 2: You can be any kind of pokemon, just not legendary pokemons. At least a mythical or normal pokemons (or if you prefer trainers)
Rule 3: No op pokemons/trainers
Rule 4: Tag me if I don't reply but not all the time. I have a life outside of Wattpad too
Rule 5: No smut, ask if you wanna do it on pm
Rule 6: No bullying other rpers.
Rule 7: Have fun!

1st oc:

Name: Vinel
Nicknames: Little V
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Pokemon: Riolu
Personality: Can be silly, but is brave like his older brother, Vincent
Looks: Blue fur, red eyes, wears a bracelet on his right hand
Friends: Verika (Monferno), Marco (Murkrow), Elena (Misdreavous), Nathan (Buizel), Candy (Buneary)
Crush: Candy
Other: None

2nd oc:

Name: Verika
Nicknames: Amber Queen (By Y-Studios)
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Pokemon: Monferno
Personality: Aggressive towards Veruka, but can be loyal and helpful to her friends
Looks: Looks what an average Monferno is, but had a red band on her left arm
Friends: Vinel, Marco, Candy, Elena, Nathan
Crush: Nathan
Other: She would not listen to what Veruka would tell her to do. Both Verika and Veruka argue a lot of times

3rd oc:

Name: Marco (Marcus)
Nicknames: None
Age: same as Nathan
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Pokemon: Murkrow
Personality: Very scared and very timided towards others, but not to Matthew, a bit suicidal
Looks: Average Murkrow, but had a mechanical right wing given by Nathan
Friends: Verika, Nathan, Candy
Crush: Monro (bully)
Other: He was in a family before living in Jenna's pokemon ranch. One day, his father poisoned his mother while his mother has lung cancer. He figured it out and ran away with his little sister, Angel (Swablu), but was separated from her when a lightning crashed between them, leaving Marco frozen in fear and fell in the ground. His wing was broken from the fall. Matthew found him and took him to the ranch and has Nathan fix his wing. After that, Marco and Matthew were bonding very well with each other. Marco wanted to be with his dead mom, but Matthew wanted him to stay alive because he is also important to the world.

4th oc:

Name: Nathan
Nicknames: None
Age: Same as Marco
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi (prefers girls)
Pokemon: Buizel
Personality: Smart, careful, curious
Looks: Average Buizel, but wears black squared glasses
Friends: Verika and Marco
Crush: Verika
Other: He heard about Napoleon's coolness and wanted to be just like him. He was with Napoleon one day and Nathan showed Napoleon some robot glasses he made. Napoleon only laughed, but Nathan thought of it like it's cool, but what he didn't know was that Napoleon accidentally has water on it from his water gun when Napoleon tried to splash Cotton (buneary) away and the glasses Nathan was wearing exploded in front of him...making Nathan get electrocuted in his eyes, resulting of him going colorblind. He was needed normal glasses to see, so he made another pair of glasses, the one to make him see well from his red eyes, which were white. He would get beaten up by Napoleon for being a "nerd". Soon, Nathan forgets about being cool and starts with science. He and Napoleon hardly talked to each other. Honestly, he wished that Napoleon would at least respect Nathan for once.

Other ocs (too lazy to describe them lol): Candy (Buneary), Elena (Misdreavous), Rodney (Crogunt), Star (Combee) Robin (Pikachu), Starfire (Eevee)

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