Can I have your wifi password?

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(I decided to make a human au for this)

Verika: *recently got a new phone after she dropped her old on in the water and was having a hard time connecting it to the WiFi* Dammit... *looks at Nathan* Hey, can I have the WiFi password?

Nathan: *looks at Verika, getting a plan* Sure. "I".

Verika: *types* "I".

Nathan: "L. O. V. E"

Verika: *typing* "L. O. V. E"

Nathan: "Y. O. U" *snaps his fingers* I love you.

Cotton and Napoleon watched them, hoping that their ship for them sails

Verika: *types and got an error* Sorry. It doesn't work.

Matthew told Verika the new WiFi password while Cotton was trying to comfort an upset Nathan with gloom mushrooms growing on his head while Napoleon laughed hardly

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