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My head was hurting so much. like someone was hitting it with some hammer or pricking it with needles. I was having so much difficulty to open my eyes.

Room was dark, sun's faint light was coming out of curtains making it little easier to see.

When my vision got cleared the scene infront of me gave me heart attack.

Jimin was tied up on chair, hair messy, he had Bruise on his face. I can see his lip bleeding.

I looked down at myself to see I was not tied. Hurriedly I jump up and walked towards him he was passed out. My heart was hurting so much to see him like this, he don't deserve this.

It's all my fault, he's in this situation just because of me.

If only I wouldn't have kissed him.

Just then I heard door being open. I knew who it was. The only person whose behind all this.

"oh! I see my angel is awake from her beauty sleep", I heard him saying

"why are you doing this?", I said from my position. Tears were already flowing. I can't see jimin in this state like this.

"angel didn't I told you whatever I want, I get and your actions were going to have their consequences", he smirked

"let him go, he didn't do anything I was the one who kissed him first", I cried out, then I feel his arm snaked around my waist from behind making me stand up from my kneeling position infront of jimin.

He dipped his face in my neck sniffing me and tighten his hold.

"angel seeing you cry and getting all worked up for him is making me so mad right now you know, Ahh!! how can you be so heartless can't you see its hurting me", he whined like kid

I was shocked, does this guy has some multiple personality problem or what, is he even serious. He's growling one minute and whining like kid the second.

I wanted to punch him ran away but I know now he's not normal person it'll just make things worst, I need to think properly.

I turned around in his hold and hold his face in my hands making him look at me

"please jungkook let him go he didn't do anything please", I know I look pathetic begging like this to him but I didn't have anything in my mind other than escaping Jimin from here. If anything happens to him cuz of me I'll die with guilt.

He narrowed his eyes holding me tight pushing me against his chest further more, I can feel his breath fanning my face. Just a more push and I'll kiss him.

"what do I get from doing this angel, you going back to him again, kissing him, huh!!", he growled and I shiver.

His hold was getting tighter by every passing second. I can clearly see fire in his eyes, it was scary.

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