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We were sitting in his car, and Jungkook was sat beside me.

It was quiet, we both didn't said any word. I used this time to collect my thoughts and plan what to do next.

I was staring outside of window, watching passing trees and outside world. The chaos outside was describing how I was feeling inside. Everything happened so fast that I didn't even get time to comprehend things.

I turned my head to look at him, he was also staring outside.
I really want to know what's going in his head, what will he do next?
At same time he turned to face me, I got flustered and turned my head.

I know he was smirking.

Again it was silent

Everyone must be worried for me, Sohee, Bomi I didn't even called my parents for two days now, what's going to happen with me.
I just don't know.

Again came the face of hurt, sad jimin in my minds, my eyes stung with tears but I held them in.

Stay strong Hana

After maybe half hour Car stopped and we stepped out. I was standing outside of two storey beautiful house. It was surrounded by beautiful flowers plants there was fountain in front.

He held my hand and started to walk, everything inside was white and grey giving it beautiful classy look.

I tried to say something to make him stop but he just dragged me inside with him upstairs in room and closed the door behind him.

I was ready for whatever coming next to fight it, but he just took out his clothes from closet and went to wash up.

I was dumbstruck standing in middle of room like idiot.

I tried to open the door but what was I even thinking he's not idiot, door was lock.

I heard shower going off so I back up and sat on bed. He came out just in loose grey sweatpants with no shirt.

Holy fuck

He's sizzling hot, droplets of water from his wet hair were dropping on his chiseled chest making him look extremely sexy. His sweats were hanging loose on his waist.

I didn't know I was staring until he clear his throat with smirk on his face.

"like what you see, it's all yours", arrogance was dripping from his tone. I just ignored his comment and kept quiet.

"did you try to open the door?", he said again, does he have cameras in here how did he know

"no, I didn't", I lied easily

"you always lie Hana", he shake his head like he's dissapointed and sat beside me.

I scoot away from him, "we need to set some rules" he started

"rules for what?", I question with brows furrowed

"rules for you obviously, you're going to stay here from now on we need to set some rules so you will behave yourself", what bullshit is he talking, what does he think of himself.

He must be fool if he thought I'll follow them and most importantly stay with him.

"so now you are going to keep me here locked up like prisoner", he sighed and pinch his nose bridge

"no you can continue your uni only if you behave and there will be rules. You can't go anywhere without letting me know, you are not allowed to use your phone, you will only go out to college when I'll drop you and last you are not allowed to talk anyone else in uni especially boys you get that",

Breath Hana

Just played it cool for now

Deep breath

"alright I'll keep those in mind", I agreed he eyed me suspiciously like he didn't trust me or something but said nothing

There was knock on door and entered a tall guy with black hair and beautiful heart shaped smile. His face was bright like sunshine.

"jungkook you need to come with me, we are going to have guest in fifteen mins", he didn't said name maybe didn't wanted to me know but I give zero shits about it.

"OK I'll be out, give me five mins", he nods his head and that someone left

"you stay here like good girl OK or I'll have to punish you angel", he tried to kiss me but I turned my face but he just hold my neck making me face him and pressed his lips on mine

"I'll be back", he murmured against my lips and leave

He didn't lock the door, did he forgot or leave it open purposely. Whatever it is I need to get out of here

It's my life and I'm not going to follow anyone's rules keeping it in mind I left the room.

The house feels more bigger when you are alone. I got confused in hallways. Paintings were hung on both sides, there were two turns left and right.

OMG what if I turn left and end up where jungkook is
doing Eenie Minnie Miney Mo I choose right and fortunately I got to main staircase.

Maybe luck was on my side for first time. Happily running towards main door I opened it only to face someone.

And let me tell you this someone was epitome of beauty. Like God took his all time to sculpt him. He had red hairs which were set messily on his forehead. I never knew red can look so good on someone. He has mole on tip of his nose. Beautiful cupids bow like lips. I scoot closer to him to see that he had one monolid and one double lid.


"hello", he smiled I stumbled back realizing the closeness of us 

"umm I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get that close, excuse me", I tried to walk away but he just held my wrist halting my steps

"what's the rush babygirl won't you introduce yourself, well I'll start hello I'm Kim Taehyung nice to meet you", saying he kissed back of my hand.
OK he's flirt.

Taking back my hand I smiled awkwardly and was going to reply when I heard voice I least wanted to hear maybe my luck was not that good as I thought.

"tae what are you doing there?"

"oh! Nothing just was getting to know this beautiful girl", this tae guy replied smiling at me

"Hana, what are you doing here?", I can hear anger in his voice

Taking deep breath I turned around to face him and nearly shit in my pants, he was looking scary

"didn't I tell you to stay in room", he nearly growled this time. My legs were shaking with fear I tried to say something but words were stuck

"I....I just wan...ted some water", why did I stutter.
he knew I was lying I can clearly see anger, fury, rage in his eyes but he kept quiet

"in room now, or it won't be good for you", he said lowly looking at me.

"I'll pray for you babygirl", taehyung whisper slowly in my ear I can hear play fullness in his voice.

I looked up at jungkook and that's when I knew I fucked up


A/N : I'm so sorry lovelies for not updating soon.
It's just my exam are nearing so I'm just busy with assignments and all.

Fun fact : fragrance of apples and bananas can make person to lose weight.

Hope y'all like this chapter I'll try to update at time.
Like and comment if you like the chapter.
Love you all 💜💜💜

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