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I woke up to heavy weight on my chest, trying to cut off my oxygen. It's really heavy, I can't breath and why am I feeling so hot?

Did someone turnoff  the AC ?


When I open my eyes I saw muscle pig that was trying to crush me under his weight. His face was pressed on my chest, arms around my waist pinning me close to him living no space for air to pass and making it hard to breath

I tried to push him away, loosen his steel like grip from my waist but he's strong, still stronger than me even when he's asleep. I kept pushing his hands away from my chest and he kept pulling me close to him

"stop moving for god's sake", I heard him mumbled in sleepy groggy voice, I turned my face to give him some good morning greeting then I saw how cute he was looking with his only one eye open and other close with frown on his face and his fluffy bed hairs trying to hide his eyes

Keeping my thoughts aside I asked "what am I doing here?", I remember properly that I was slept in other room last night so it's confirm that he brought me here. He just won't let me live will he?

"Sleeping", no shit Sherlock I didn't know that

"well smarty pants why am I in your room?"

"well Mrs. Jeon if you have forgotten that we're married now so let me remind you we just got married yesterday and couples have to share the room, so obviously we are going to share the room and sleep together", he said and shrugged his shoulder before again dipping his face in pillow trying to sleep again placing his hands on my chest cutting off my oxygen

"oh! so maids room is not going to be my new room now?", I said with taunting tone but he just gave me boring look and turned his face other side

"shut up its too early for your tantrums", he mumbled and tried drift to his la la land

"NO!", I exclaimed

No way in million years I'm going to share room with him or more sleep together

"what no?",

"No! I'm not going to share room with you, I'll rather sleep in maids room", I said and he just gave me bored look

"please Shut Up, and why the fuck are you still in bed, get up I need my breakfast in 20 mins", he said and I scoffed this guy is insane

"what the heck, it was you who was not letting me go and was crushing me under him"

"you're yet to come under me Hana, but don't worry it'll be soon now get off", he said and pushed me aside nearly falling me from bed and pointed towards clock signaling me to leave the room


I got up and walked downstairs after washing my face to get rid of remaining sleep from my system to avoid setting whole house on fire

Well it's tempting idea though, I can just set house on fire and let him die, but then again he will hunt me down even after if he dies, sigh of frustration left my mouth as I put food on table

I was so in my thoughts that I didn't even saw that it was over twenty minutes and he still didn't came downstairs. I didn't thought too much about it and let him be maybe he's taking his quality time while showering. But when even after forty minutes he didn't came down I thought about checking up on him

He's bitch, if he gets late he will blame me for it

I took off my apron and made my way upstairs towards his room. I knocked before opening the door just a little too see that he was still sleeping buried under his cocoon of blankets.

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