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I advice y'all to read previous chapter to not get confused. Well enjoy 💜


"do you trust me now?", I backed away hoping to see smile on his face but what I got was his jaw clenched with angry expression decorating his face

"I didn't thought you could stoop so low", huh?

"what?", I was shocked, so shocked to hear those words

"just yesterday you were crying and sobbing making all fuss when I touched you and suddenly in morning you are kissing me. Are you trying to take advantage of my injured state Hana huh!!?"

Wait a damn minute!

"Wait what? No, jungkook why would you even say that. I was saying genuinely this time. I swear I'm not trying to take advantage or anything, I......", I was dumbfounded out of all reactions I expected this was definitely not the one of them.

"oh genuinely, do you want me to trust that", there was so much resentment in his voice that tears stung my eyes hearing those words from him

"oh are you crying now? wow you are one hell of dramatic queen, ain't you Hana?", he mocked while laughing with no humor in it

"you can't talk to me like that", I did nothing but whisper

"just go Hana", he said laid back down closing his eyes

I left, if he wants to keep thinking like that, then OK I won't try anymore but it hurts. It hurts to know how he didn't even tried to understand me

Alright, I'm not trying anymore

"FUCK YOU!!!", I scream on top of my lungs so that he can hear it and run downstairs wiping my eyes.

Why won't these tears stop, ugh!!! So irritating

So, here I was sitting on sofa in living room bawling my eyes out. If you ask me why I'm crying seriously I have no idea, it's just whatever he said hurt.

I was in middle of my crying session when door bell rang. I was going to ignore it and continue my session but the person behind door was impatient and kept ringing until I huff and open the door

As soon as door opened my body was jerked backwards and I was flushed against someone's chest soon filling my nose with mixture of minty Sweety smell.

"I'm so glad you're okay", that person moved back a bit just to hold my face in his palms peppering my face with kisses

What the frickity frackity fuck is going on!!!

"I was so worried, you're not hurt anywhere are you?, did he do something to you?, for fucks sake say something", he screeched

I was going to bombard him with all the Holy words I know but seeing the look on his face I refrained, I tried to move away from him but he just tightened his hold

" tae.... umm taehyung I'm OK", I mumbled squirming and he release a sigh

"I think you should check up on jungkook, cuz he was the one who was injured yesterday", I said while avoiding his eyes. He was making me uncomfortable. His warm breath hitting my face was making me aware of closeness of us. This is not good

"yeah...", he started just to get interrupted by voice boomed from behind

"what's going on here?", it's jungkook

"Tae hyung, what are you doing here?", jungkook question, anger evident in his voice

We both turned around to see furious jungkook coming downstairs. Just great!! He already doesn't trust me now seeing me this close to taehyung is just going to make it worst.

Thanks heaven

I somehow pull away from taehyung, creating distance between us

"Well?", jungkook question with raised brow

"Hobi hyung told me about attack so I came to check up on you"

"Well I certainly don't look like Hana though, why were you hugging her then?",

"you didn't let me finish, I was going to say her name too", taehyung said and I can just sigh he's not helping the situation.

Jungkook raised eyebrow on that and walked towards us, standing infront of me and bend down looking straight in my still red eyes, I think I hallucinated but he's eyes soften for bit before he scoffed

"it's not even been an hour that you said to me about wanting to give us chance and here you're all over Tae hyung, Pathetic!! How many times are you going to surprise me in one day, stay away from him. I'm telling you", he spat and turned around to leave, anger flush through me to hear him say those words

What does he thinks of himself, just because I'm letting him talk doesn't mean he can bullshit whatever he wants. I was never the one who listens to other nor I'll ever be

"do you think just because I listened all your shit before means I'm going to keep listening to your nonsense, you don't trust me alright that's your choice and I'm not going to beg you to trust me, but don't you dare accuse me for anything just because your jealous ass can't see me with someone else", I spat back with same intensity as his

He again face me and clutched my forearm tightly in hold digging his nails in my skin
"Is it fun to play with me?, to see me getting all worked up over you"  he spat still holding me tightly

"no, definitely not, but I'm not going to listen to you, as I have always said you don't control me jungkook", his eyes were all red now. If looks could I would have been dead by now. But still I stood my ground looking straight in his eyes

"I dare you, if you do something again Hana you'll face the consequences and trust me threatening about parents was not even a trailer about what I can do" he said and stormed off out of house leaving me alone with taehyung

I sighed

It was awkward again, I turned around and plop down on sofa releasing a breath and closed my eyes, they were hurting now, thoughts of jungkook kept disturbing me he is so stupid he should be resting now his arm is still bad. Why is he like this.

Whatever he can do whatever he wants he's not baby anyway.
I felt placed beside me dipped to let me know tae had occupied it now

"is everything okay between you and jungkook", he asked

"nope, he's still Sulking, it's bad very bad", I replied without opening my eyes. I was tired my body was still aching from last night

"let's go out somewhere cafe or something, I'll treat you something sweet it'll help you to relieve some stress"

"Nah, if you're forgetting then let me remind you I still don't trust you tae nor do I like you to go out with you", I'm still not over the fact that he was the one who informed jungkook about me. Yeah I'm still salty about it

"oh c'mon, it's like fifth time I'm asking you for coffee", he whined while pouting like kid to which I squinted my eyes with questioning gaze and he just continued to pout

Finally I puff out breath "don't make me regret it taehyung",

He throw his hands in air like kid and stood up, straightening his jeans and put his hand forward for me to take

"I won't", he smirked in answer

And I was already regretting my decision to agree

Finally I'm back after how long, a month I guess.

Are my doves upset, I'm sorry forgive your idiot author.
Finally my exams are over, well there are still practicals going on but I can manage. And now I promised to update more regularly. I hope you have not forgotten me.

So how was the chapter do y'all like it.

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I love y'all my cupcakes 💜💜💜

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