The Party (MTF Part 3)

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Fenton's POV:

While Liz and a new dove woman (presumably another one of her cousins) were having a catch up in the living room, Fenton was about to introduce himself when a tiny brightly-dressed little girl zoomed passed him but then backtracked, looking confused.

"Who are you?", she asked.

"My name is Fenton! It's nice to meet you! What's your name?", he said friendlily.

She suddenly gasped, "You're Liz's boyfriend! I'm gonna have another uncle!", she cheered happily.

Then, she started bombarding Fenton with questions, "Tell me about her! What do you two like to do together? Are you super romantic? When are you getting married?!"

As Fenton was tripping over his words, trying to come up with an appropriate response, Liz quickly came to his aid and put a stop to the girl's pretty inappropriate questions.

"You know that's not how we welcome new members of the family. I don't like scolding you so why don't you simply tell Fenton your name.", Liz told her.

"Sorry. My name is Holly. It's nice to meet you too, Fenton!", her voice then hushed to a whisper, "Is it true that you're a superhero?"

"You told her?!", Fenton gasped

"I didn't tell Holly!", Liz confessed, "I was telling Jen about everything and it just slipped out! I'm so sorry! But she swore she won't tell anyone!", Liz then focused her gaze onto Holly, "Same goes for you, you little eavesdropper!"

"Okay, Liz. I swear I won't tell anyone!", Holly promised.

"That includes not boasting about it to your friends at school!", Holly was about to protest but Liz cut her off, "No buts. Fenton's safety depends on this secret being kept. We can't tell anyone about his identity because if a supervillain found out, they could attack us, his family or worse, him when he's unprotected!", she then looked back at Fenton but still talking to Holly, "And I'd never forgive myself if I knew that it was my fault something bad happened to Fenton."

Holly puffed up her chest and saluted Liz and Fenton before stating, "You both have my solemn oath that I will not utter a single word about Gizmoduck to anyone!"

"Good girl! Why don't you go practice singing tonight in the backyard and let your mommy get some rest?", Liz suggested.

"Okay!", Holly called out as she was already running out to the backyard.

Fenton turned towards Liz, amazed at how she dealt with Holly so easily.

"That was amazing!", he exclaimed.

"What was?", she asked.

"How you just convinced her not to tell anyone so easily! If I ever told a kid not to tell anyone about Gizmoduck, they'd call me a loser before telling everyone they know!", he told her

"I guess it's just because I'm kinda used to dealing with kids. My family's huge and I've been dealing with little kids since I was 14! Also, the benefit of not being a direct paternal figure is you're still regarded as a cool, fun aunt despite occasionally having to discipline them. I don't know, I guess it sorta comes naturally to me.", she shrugged, "But I can understand how it could be hard for you. It's hard to be domineering without making them hate you. But you're doing great so far."

"I'm glad you think so. I'm just so worried about pleasing everyone in your family! I really want them to like me! Because I really like you! And I'd go crazy if I couldn't be with you!", he confessed.

"Hey, chill out, Romeo. My family isn't that rash... for the most part. I know Debbie and Joey came across as a little unfriendly at first but listen, if it's eating away at you that much, there's no reason to care what they think anyway! You're more than good enough for me so of course you're good enough for them!"

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