Chapter 16

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Sorry for the shortness!

Kwazii's POV: I paced back and forth frantically outside the sickbay. What was wrong with Tweak? What did she do to herself? My palms grew sweaty and a horrible twisting feeling entwined my gut. All I knew for sure was, it was not going to be good.

Peso's POV: I took a deep breath and tried the test one more time. "Tweak, I have something to tell you." "What is it Peso?" "Tweak you are pregnant." Her hands flew to her face. "The Cap was right." Tweak mumbled "Wait, Stop. You knew all ready?" Tweak shook her head. "No. Last night he came to me in a dream. He told me." Hmm ok. I knew it was usual for people to have dreams after someone they were close to died.

Kwazii's POV: Peso stepped out of the sick bay. He was smiling but you could see the worried glint in his eye. " Captain Tweak is pregnant!" He mustered as much joy as he could when he said that. " Wait. Now ye hold on a minute maty. Say that again?" "Tweak is pregnant." "With whose child Peso?" His face fell at the question. "Captain Barnacles."

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