Chapter 17

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Meanwhile with Shellington and the vegimals.

Shellington's POV: " Ok let's split up and search for Dashi." I choked out the last word. I couldn't show my weakness. I started walking to the bay. There I found her with her back towards me, sitting with her knees up to her chest. Silently I sat down next to her with my legs outstretched. I checked to see if anyone was watching us. I looked forward towards the sharp rocks that just barely broke over the water for what seemed like eternity. Then I broke the silence. " Why did you do it Dashi?" she sighed and looked away. " I'm so stressed out that I- I- just had a drink and swam out. I wasn't thinking at the time Shelly. And I was angry at what you said." There was silence for a moment again. " I'm sorry Dashi. I didn't realise what impact that would have on you. By the way I'm very sorry." Her dark chocolate brown eyes softened and she smiled. " It's ok Shelly." She said with such tenderness that it melted my heart. Slowly she leaned in and closed her eyes. She smelt like sea foam. I closed my eyes and leaned in too. Her bubblegum pink,ever so soft lips touched mine. I lost track of time. The sea waves didn't help. They lulled me. We broke apart. Arms around my neck and mine around her waist. We both stared lovingly at each other for a moment more.

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