Chapter 3

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Tweek's POV: I took my favorite GUP to one of the beaches that we cleaned up last year. It looked nothing like it did now. I remembered this place because the Cap' took me here for a date when it was full of trash. Weird if you think about it. But the Cap' knew I would love it. I like to sort through junk we find to see if I can use anything. We searched for a long time. At one point I remembered the Cap' holding my hand and looking into my eyes. Then Shellington called interrupting us and breaking our handhold. A whirring sound jolted me from my thoughts. I saw Peso in the GUP E. I was hoping for better but as soon as he said " I am sorry Tweak the Captain is dead." I bust into fresh tears and nothing else mattered in the world.

Peso's POV: As I saw Tweek's face light up I knew that she was hoping for good news. I solemnly told her that the Captain was Dead. She wept as hard as a rainstorm. I knew how she felt. It would take a long time for her to bounce back into her normal self. I suddenly started talking to her; " You know Tweek, If you need any help with your emotions I can help. Sometimes you just need to talk it out." I told her even though she was not listening about when my Abuela died. " I was devastated, I sat there for months staring at my grandmother's photo. Then one day my sister talked to me. She knew it was hard for me." It felt good to let it out after holding it in for years. " Sometimes you just need to let it out." I told Tweek. I held tight onto her shoulders and said " Did you hear me?" With a small nod, she stood up and we walked back to the GUPs.    

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