Chapter 10 (Yay!)

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Sorry about taking forever to make the next chap... like I said I'm on a time crunch. Since its Thanksgiving break here I'll hurry up making more chapters.... Also What would the Octonauts do if they were here.... would Peso go to help the doctors and nurses? (They are their human version.) Would they have to shut down? Tell me down in the comments! Happy Thanksgiving and hope you enjoy! 😁😁🎉

Kwazii's POV: Yhar. Scurvy Peso. Probably slipping and around clumsily like he always is. I know my anger directed to Peso is misdirected. I should go to the vegimals. They help sort feelings out with a cup o' coffee and fish biscuits.. I slid down the octoshute and into the kitchen. "Hey -" What! There were glass shards everywhere and blood slicked the floor. I picked up one and examined it. Very sharp. Even a small cut from this hurts much. I saw the vegimals slide in and take in the mess. " Did ye guys do this?" "NO Kazzi. We not do a biga messk likee thisa" "Very well...." I glared at the line of blood. "Well mates we are go'n on a wild goose chase." " Ba therea no Goossa!?" "Yhar, do you mates understand figurative language?" And with that I jumped into the shute and followed the trail.

Dashi's POV: "SMASH!" I threw another glass bottle to the floor. I felt good to let my anger out. I took a deep breath and took a swig... yuck...bitter. I swayed as fog enveloped me. I studied my arms and legs... they were dripping with blood and hurting like a million cone snail stings. I put on my diving gear and jumped into the ice cold water and swam as far as I could. 

Holding Back TearsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora