Chapter 12

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Sorry for the 4 the shortness!

Professor Inkling's POV: I was distraught when the Captain had told us that Dashi was gone! Does the girl love Barnacles, the former Captain? Does she want to be gone with him? I mulled over those thoughts again . "Octonauts to the LaunchBay!" Kwazii's worn and tired voice flickered through the radio. I remembered when Barnacles first became the Captain. He spread kindness like confetti. No wonder people use it to describe others. Even in his first years he never looked like that. I know Kwazzi has been through alot of things but this has been the worst so far.

Dashi's POV: "Oh No my camera!" I frantically looked around and saw it between some sharp rocks. The lens was a spider web of cracks. "Really did I have to do that!" I screamed. I paused. It is weird to hear your voice in silence. My first instinct was to call for help. " Octonauts come in Octonauts." Static. I must be too far away or I lost my radio. How will I get back?

Holding Back TearsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora