Chapter 2 (A hero's milestone)

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Hiccup woke up with a growl. He moved his right hand to hold his forehead, feeling dizzy as if he had drunk the night away and was now suffering from a bad hangover. He can't recall his memories of how he got knocked out. He wasn't a drinker. Heck, he barely enjoys the taste of alcohol. It's bitter, far from sweet, and it burns his throat whenever he tries to drink. Gobber has very much tried to persuade him into drinking with lots of reassurance that he will not get drunk after a sip. It wasn't even that strong yet Hiccup still didn't like it.

He looked at his digital alarm clock. 'Fuck' It's already eight in the morning, and school starts at 8:30! He is so dead. He probably missed the bus already! He suddenly didn't feel like shit anymore and rushed towards the bathroom to take a shower, relieve his bladder, and brush his teeth. He was going to have to run to school today since he doesn't have time to play dress-up once he finishes his bathroom activities. So, he grabbed whatever felt and looked clean out of his closet before leaving his room.

He ran down the stairs and almost skipped a step—which he thought he was going to die from, but he brushed it off and dashed towards the kitchen. It wasn't his first time being late to school. He sometimes spends the whole night doing homework, studying and sometimes rewatching his favorite Netflix series or anime as a reward for being alive and surviving another shitty day. He was well-trained for these types of situations. Once he was in the kitchen, he pulled the fridge open with enough force to pull it off, as if he was trying to defuse a bomb with only a 10-second countdown. He pulled out a carton of milk and popped the cap open before just drinking it from there.

Although Gobber didn't like that, he doesn't need to know. Who's going to tell him? Not Hiccup, that's for sure. He then opened the breadbox and took out two slices of bread, before downing them quickly like a hungry Nadder in a cage with a chicken. He then proceeded to open a peanut butter jar to scoop out some with a spoon and just eat it without any hesitation. He needed the calories. He was about to rush out of the house when Gobber called for him, "Oi, Hiccup!"

"Uh... Gobber I don't have time for this, maybe later... I'm late for school!" Hiccup stammered while Gobber just raised a confused brow at him.

"What's all this fuss about school? It's a Saturday! They ain't no school for you today, lad!" Gobber chuckled. Hiccup face-palmed, followed by a frustrated growl. He has gotten all worked up for nothing! He suddenly lost all his interest and felt really unmotivated after a false rise of adrenaline. With a sigh, he just went back to his room. Maybe he would play a couple of games, hoping to ease his mind a bit. He was now back in the comfort of his room. Did he mention that he loves being alone? He enjoyed having no one bothering him, no one asking him what to do; he was his own boss. But it gets lonely sometimes, but he can't see himself as someone to be open about any topic that was sensitive to him.

"I feel you"

What the fuck?! Someone just spoke to him and he couldn't see who it was. Then all of sudden, his head started aching and his eyes flew as realization dawned on him. He now recalled all that happened during his previous night; the black slime thing, the voice in his head, and the crazy black armor that appeared out of his asshole or whatever. He hoped it wasn't from his asshole.

"I'm going to reassure you that it's not from your asshole." the voice laughed. Hiccup was starting to panic again until the voice spoke again "Do not fear, Henry. I mean no harm and if I do, I will end up hurting myself."

What does he mean by 'end up hurting himself'? Hiccup had calm down a bit and mustered the courage to... talk to himself... or the invisible man that can read minds

"What do you mean by that? And who the fuck are you and how do you know my name? Why are you in my head?! Wait, are you in my head?" Hiccup cried all his questions out loud, but not too loud that it would alarm Gobber. Was an alien trying to make first contact with the human race? Was he chosen to be the alien's representative? He was convinced and confident about that theory since they probably had the technology that advanced to pull it off, including mind-linking and mind-reading.

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