Chapter 10 (Common Grounds)

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Sleep wasn't any help to shake that out of Henry's thoughts. After the events of yesterday he left the decease body of the person who calming to be Randy's brother at a learn by hospital cause he wasn't comfortable just leaving there. He haven't yet confirm that that he is Randy's brother because he when come immediately after the hospital. Herny was just exhausted both mentally and physically.

The last words and his dying breath of Randy's brother was tattoo onto his brain. His life is so dark, death just exposed to him in such an early age of his adolescents, his only 17. Sometimes he forgets that this is Berk, people killing one another, it is known to be very common here. He just hope Randy's brother rest in peace, he wish he had catch his name earlier on, cause it's kinda awkward just yo refer to him as just someone's brother. Herny just felt like his name should be said out of respect but he will not get offered cause his dead.

He was planning, it's really just out of his nature really. His brain just plan automatically and come out with crazy scenarios, though it is a blessing and a curse, it has kept Herny alive and also in trouble. They are many pros and cons of being an over thinker but he will live.

"Herny! Are you with us in class or are you busy training dragons in your dreamland?" Herny's maths teacher yelled which got him to snap out of this train of thoughts, and thats one of the cons, overthinking just sucks you from reality and make you forget where you are at the moment, at least for Herny's experience

" Ha, loser over their is busy hunting for trolls. He better behave or else they will have him for breakfast. Not much to eat since his a fishbone" Eret mocked learning alot of laughs cause he is a very popular student as well in this school ground. Eret son of Eret, a very traditional name but it's Berk, the unexpected are expected. His the captain of the jocks and never shy away from his popularity and a ladies man at best, having almost nearly every girl crushing on him, and Henry honestly wouldn't blame them. For one he is bulid, like really build. Having biceps the size of melons, wide shoulders, board chest. Don't get me started on his other features, he stoid on a pround 6'4, one of the tallest guy he knew and he himself is 6'0. He also have a sharp jawline, hazal brown pair of eyes and a neat man ponytail. Not to mention that this guy is loaded with fat cash, havig his family running business empires. This dude literally got a private jet as a birthday gift from his very wealthy parents. Like, damn I get socks from Gobber on my birthday and on Christmas.

"HAHA, good one captain!" one of his lap dogs barks as know as Snotlout. Rolling his eyes, Herny knew him and most of the jocks suck his dick(praised or look up to him) they are a bunch of parasites, having all the leftovers of his popularity but on paper it works out.

" Eret Son of Eret!! Ho Ho pal am I glad to see you!! Tell me why were you absent this last few weeks..." Herny hummed as he place his plam on his head to pretend to be thinking "oh that's right... A companying someone's daughter to have their child aborted. Ish talk about spawn killing. Too dark? Or should i go on?" and Eret was fuming and was about to talk but Snot beat him too it.

"hey, know who you are talking too, that bitch was usung him, she wants a child with him too have a percent of his wealth" and Eret face-palm, do much for damage control

"awww, did I hurt you boyfriend's feelings? You being the the man to defend him, how sweet."and the rezt of the class can't help but laugh with Herny after he finished his mockery. And the teacher wasn't pleased seeing thid presentation of her class showing and has enough of it.

" CLASS!! I'M AM STILL IN THE CLASS AND DON'T DARE TOO THINK I'M NOT, STOP WITH THIS IMMATURE BEHAVIOUR!! Especially the three of you lot! Scott, I don't appreciate how you refer to woman as 'bitches' I expect you to be more respectful to woman, Eret you, I don't care if yoyr family is rich, what you did with that girl is... Beyond my business but for the love of god use protection next time and Herny, shut your damn mouth! NOW LET'S BACK TOO TOPIC!!I have held back this class as it is! "

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