Chapter 13 (Not A Party Boy)

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"you couldn't have just kept your mouth shut could you?" Toothless said simple and Herny growl when he heard his Alien friend speak. They have just left a very excited Tuffnut. Why might he be excited you ask, well he just agreed to attend a party that said man was throwing this evening and he just agreed to go. Their goes his plan for being alone. He honestly had no idea what made his tongue sat it. It bugged him dearly. It's too late too back down now. And he wouldn't want to be that guy to disappoint them for not showing up and just ditching the whole thing.

"It's gonna be alright... And fun" he hoped. He could only reassure himself and Toothless who obviously can filter out the lie from his unsure voice.

"keep telling yourself that! You aren't even confident in yourself !" Toothless laughed cause Herny to growl again. Leave it to an outerspace life form to make fun of his social life and insecurities. He swears his life just gets weirder and weirder

"I-I can be confident-I am confident!" Herny argued and hated himself for stuttering a bit at the beginning-but that was only one time for only a millisecond!

"you're really selling it right now" Toothless remarked sarcastically which caused the host of the Alien to roll his eyes. Not this again. It's a recurring moment in the young man's life. Well it nothing but new but it does appears that Toothless gain pleasure out of his expense.

"okay? So? What if I'm not confident! You can't make me into someone I'm not!" Herny defended

"pretend! How hard could it be?!"

"very and extremely hard!" Herny was no theatre kid. He hardly could hold a friendly conversation. He only know how to contributed to conversation with pre knowledge of the topic for example about maths. God did it made him sound like a nerd from time to time.

" you're one pathetic homosapien!" so his using scientific names now. How cute and quirky. Henry rolled his eyes for the second time but he should get used to Toothless' remarks by now. His shit, it's getting old.

"useless Alien" Herny muttered under his breath but he knows that the accused knows what he have just whispered but he wised that is will just be carried away by the wind.

"Let's just get your little get together over with!" Toothless now growled annoyed that he will have to miss out an episode of his favourite television show and by the gods, he would kill anything in his path if he does. "the sooner we get their, the sooner we leave!".

"I'm impressed, you actually said something that I would mutually agree with" Henry nodded in approval

"well ye. But that's all you be getting out of me!" Henry see this as an absolute win. Peace and silence and no words will come out of the parasite's mount fpr the duration of the party. At least theirs one thing his looking forward to and it's honestly sound to good to be true.


His guts have been twisting left and right, up and down ever since he leave his house for the party he was kindly invited too. He was nervous but he honestly shouldn't be. It just a normal party with normal teenagers and does normal right. Was it normal to feel this way. Why is he so fpcus on being the norm, was he the alien or Toothless.

Social interaction with other humans wasn't foreign to him, its just sometimes rather odd for him. Not his cup of tea. Maybe it's just his scared side of him talking due to the lack of socialising and many years of isolation. He should really get out more-whixh he is going right now. This may be the push he needed to get out more. The tiny dap of hot sauce, the cheap crack he needed. Maybe not the last one but you get the idea.

He hope thag his civilian life may interest the likes of the people who will be attending this nice gathering. Afterall he couldn't just tell them thag he is the internet's most notorious vigilante... Thay basically defeats the propose of the whole secrets identity meaning. Another note is that they might not agree with what he does let alone support his goals. Not everyone was a fan of his artwork.

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