Chapter 8 (Mission For Friendship)

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Sounded when he shuts the locker, it was his dumping ground in between class periods, homework dump, books of classes he just finish dump and in exchange for the nest class. It's always an rush hour when so but he doesn't want to carry around to many books even though he had super strength...

Shouldn't suspicion is already written... you beat up three guys who are triple your size few weeks ago in your cafeteria... That doesn't... Shut the fuck up. Honestly he doesn't really give two shits that people find it werid that he beat up 3 people bigger then him. Berk's population is enormous, it's unlikely just because of that, his enemies will pin point on him, unless they have investigators on him. That is a issue, he may have to keep a very low profile Henry thought

Henry was so consumed in his mind that he wasn't really focus on where he was walking and bump onto someone, dropping there things together, mixing them in the process. Frick

"I'm sorry, I was... Lost in mind" he said, switching his glance from the the grounded books to the person he bumped and is none other then Astrid.

Astrid on the other hand was red, not form anger but embarrassment, she had bump into the guy she likes because she was distracted and stressed, and it's increasing.

"Herny! Hi! I'm sorry for bumping onto you. My fault" she brust out, more nervously then she expected it to be.

"it's fine. I'm used to be invisible" he gave his smallest smile that he could mustered to a female. Gods he was such an depressing incel, Henry thought to himself and Toothless profusely agrees, Herny now regrets teaching this ailen 'parasite' internet culture

"see all of you just fine" she smiled as she and Henry picked up their books from the ground

"would love to add on to the chat but we got classes" Herny, going for the kill amd cutting the conversation short.

"oh shit right-wait what class are you having now?" she asked, hopeful

"uhhhh... I got chemistry!" Herny simply say and watch her smile grew

"same!! Wait I need to get my stuff from my locker, accompany me" it was more of a demand really. He had to growl internally, no escape form this one "you sir will be my study buddy!" she added before grabbing his wrist and dragging him with her and this time he growled out. Although everyone was in a rush, some pupils were keeping eyes on them, hostility are the only emotion presented in their gaze.

Students who religiously follows the high-school hierarchy, deemed them to be un-fitting from them to even lokk at each other, let alone talk and have physical contact. They are very different in the social hierarchy. Astrid is a queen bee in her own while Herny a social outcast who don't deserves her time of her day.

It's crossings social standards, she is suppose to go out with a jock, or the rich fuck boys. He is supposed to stay 6 feet away from her like avoiding a deathly disease. And any straight guy would have given anything to be next to Astrid let alone having her basically head over heels for the outcast.

Herny wasn't present in the physical world. He doesn't wanna be at this moment, he can sense the hostility in the air, like smelling demons. He sometimes doesn't understand why his pupils hate him that much, it's not like he scam them or anything, he just... Exist.

"hello?? Earth to Herny? Are you with me or are you about to take off?" yet again, Astrid never fail to make him roll his eyes. He absolutely adores it, but he isn't gonna tell him that.

"HaHa" Herny laugh sarcastically, giving her a cheeki grind. Then the feeling hit him, is he actually expressing genuine emotions to another human being besides Gobber.  He must be going mad.

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