Chapter 7 (Burning Engines)

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From the information he got about Viggo and his company from a simple Google search, shows surprising results but it was only the tip of the iceberg. The man himself was like an onion, many layers to get through to actually understand him. He does have a brother who is a Co-founder of the company, Herny found out in Viggo's tiny detailed biograph but it's irrelevance is nothing but common knowledge

He slap his head, why would a business man have in his biograph titling himself as 'evil cooperate that kills his completion'. That would destroyed his market, though it's also it's safe to amused that he was responsible for it. But fingers point to him but this is Berk. Crimes, murders, corruption is unfortunately common in this cold soil so as stubbornness, a trait that every Berkian residents possess. Great.

He sighed as he click off the search tabs on his computer and look at the time. It was 7pm, looks like another night watch. He wonders if Gobber even notice that he leaves the hoise every night and comes back at mid night. With a shrugged, he push all those thoughts to the back of his mind.

"Toothless you ready for another night?" Herny asked

"hell yeah! I was bored watching you look for information thay where not there" Herny rolled his eyes at his statement. Hope it will be a good night with no crimes and he also hope that maybe he can get information about Viggo as well.

The streets of Berk, it smells like piss and alcohol smash together, a l
Killer combo. Herny is still not used to his abilities. He hates that he can now smell the sweaties jock in school, and the oder is hundreds times strong. Herny is in the shadows of daek alley ways, camouflage as background.

An ambulance passes by with it's sirens, Herny cringe as he can hear hundred times then a average human, thought have overstated the value difference, it's greater then average but he just didn't know the accurate decibels

"I think we should work on adjusting your hearing amd smell tomorrow" Toothless suggested

"and now you selling this now?! Do you have any idea how bad Snotlout smells during and after gym class?! Wait- how he smells all the time? Gods, call the police on him cause he indirectly contributed to my death" Herny exclaim a bit too loudly and forgetting that he could have spoken to him mentally, so much for a low profile, luckily no one was really around them that are awake or sober, as he sees a sleeping homeless man on the wall and a drunk woman puking her brains out.

"jeezs calm down... I forgot okay" Herny blinked

"woah intelligence species huh? Well that was a fucking joke" Herny laugh and he knew that Toothless was fuming

"usless host" Toothless spat. Herny was about to reply but he suddenly heard a cry for help, and it sounded like it came from a child and a woman. Without another thought, he rush to the distress call. It helps that he can track them by there voices which Herny still thinks it's werid and cool at the same time.

Reaching the scene, a girl not older then ten and an woman who likely be the mother who appears to be around her 20's are being abducted by non other then the notorious outcast gang.  He heard about human trafficking and read about them but seeing it in real time is very traumatic, just simply watching as your human rights gets violated. The two victims are probably gonna be sold into prostitution. Snapping out of his head, he acted

"Stop! Let them go!" shouted Henry. The gang members distracted by trying to subdue there pray didn't get to focus their surroundings and once they heard him, all eyes both predictorial and distress locked onto the hero, the vigilante. The victims seems to be very gland that the internet hero have answered their calls and the gang looked uneasy. Fighting him would be a stupid, he will easily win. So they used the feeling of comfort against their pray as seem they have stop fighting their grip and drag them into the white van  before shouting for the drive to drive immediately and quickly.

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