Chapter 3 (A hero sensation)

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Every day is always a fresh start, it might not seem that way when we are used to it but in other's prospective, it was always glorious and grilled with awaiting adventure. Same old boring routine but with an new addition of flare every since he had Toothless in his head, and he seems to relate to him a lot and god know how long and it felt good to talk to someone or something.

He looked more muscular then before and he felt more confident suddenly flowing through his veins, driving him to present the best of him hidden in all his flaws, he felt like a new man, he felt proud to be alive for once and valued when he have save his very first life and it was an achievement, something that must be written on the hall of fame, noted down in history so it can be re-told over and over again. He have somehow become a internet superhero sensation in the media, streaming over millions of millions of view over a single night, turns out that his damsel have recorded the most of the fight and posted it, causing it to trend in YouTube and other well know platforms of social media.

Reddit have fried up new theories of who might this new hero is, news media both local and international have punished articles about this new 'vigilante' most are negative relieves such as 'we don't need costumed clown fighting a cop's job' and on the positive end, they are many people soon idolizing the new hero, or what they like to call him 'Berk's hope' or 'Berk's protector', doesn't matter really and there is literally a fan club for him made over night!

Hiccup was shock to say the least when he saw this in the internet and even that was an understatement to his bewilderment, technology this days sure is fast. Never in his life he though he will be so happy to be an introvert and a loner, he could always keep his secret double life and he don't usually have a big mount for gossips, he was extremely happy he was used to keeping it to himself.

With the media making him known, he now have to face the expectation of the fans that he is able to save many lives. That's what his most nervous about, he was an inexperienced fighter, have no survival skills and the lack of knowledge on how to used his abilities, all he have is his brain.

The bus honk at its arrival causing Hiccup to snap out of his thoughts, he hates when his brain wonder off sometimes and he is suddenly in his own lala land. Stepping in the bus and as usual he was greeted happy by Bucket and dozens of judgmental glares, he can feel the hostility from them, nothing he can't handle before and talk past them to his favorite seat which is at the far end. Covering his head with his black hood of his hoodie, that hinds his EarPods from sight, he played some smooth flow music and stare out the window.

Arriving to school never felt so content, for one, the people that bothered him didn't used the bus today which we was grateful for, Hey you must always be grateful for the little things in life even if it's silents which not many appreciate it. He entered the school with many students and a chatty crowds.


"Thug!" The sound of her locker once she shut it and locking afterwards. Astrid have just took out her respected books for Monday's classes. She was a bit disappointed that she can't seat at the bus to see Henry since she had been drove to school by the Twins, pacifically by Tuffnut since they are neighbors and they have also forcefully drag her into their car and have to suffer listening too horrible pop music.

"Hey blonde, you looked like shit!" Greeted by one of her other best-friend, Heather Berserker who is also one of the cheerleaders in her squat along with Ruffnut. Being friends since pre-school, she have never melt someone to be very interesting and badass, and loyal. She has jet black long hair that are sometimes in braids or in a ponytail, Forest green eyes almost like the once Henry have but his are more mesmerizing, she was the same height as her. She was wearing a baggy t-shirt and short pants almost similar too Astrid but instead off a shirt, it was a hoodie with a dragon on it, hoping it will catch Henry's attention since he loves dragons so much.

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