Chapter 5 (Enemies made)

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"Hey donkey wake up!! Useless fucking cunt!" Toothless yelled with a mocking voice of Gordon Ramsay which made Henry growl and regret bench watching kitchen nightmares after coming back from Astrid's. And the little shot AKA Toothless have got bad influences by the icon Chef. 

"Huh?" He jump a bit as he finally awake and was meet by the eyes of the teacher.

"Nice of you to finally join us? Did you say hi to the spaceman for me?" The teacher teases him which cause the whole class to laugh at him which cause him to be embarrass.

"Sorry Ms.Hopes" Henry Apologize 

"It's fine Henry, we all get tried sometimes after all we all aren't perfect just don't let yourself stay up late again. Understand?" She smiled and Henry nodded in response. "Good, okay class turn to page 200. Parts of the eye".

The topic of eyes, it's interesting with all its different parts and each plays a different role to help us to be able to let us see images. Weird how everybody has the same eye parts and functions but we all see the world differently

After an uneventful class of biology it was break time which is one of Henry's most favorite period well it was cause as soon as he enters the cafeteria, a target was soon set on his back from the bullies. It lucks being this popular

"Well... well... well... looks like we got ourselves an orphan in this cafeteria" Snot sneer and his boys laugh along with him while Henry just roped his eyes, he is mad but the insult I was kinda lazy and calling it funny is way to generous. "You don't belong here, the streets is were you belong dork!" He add on but Henry was just gonna shrug it off. He wasn't gonna give him his reaction, nor the satisfaction. He will just have to be the bigger man and not throw the first punch.

Henry just ignore and passes the clown of a jock which anger the said jock. "Hey dumbass!! I thought your just parentless not deaf!" And burst out he did. Again, Henry denial his existence in this cruel world.

"What are you doing Henry? Just beat his lossy ass" Toothless butted in, seemingly confuse why his host would just let another of his kind to insult his honor like that.

"No! This country has too much violences and I don't want to be the one who sparks it nor contribute. I will only fight back as self defense! And that's final" he told Toothless mentally but stern.

"Hmm.... not usual human male behavior but I guess I should have known you aren't like the rest of them. Very well"

Snotlout was not please that he didn't at all intermediate him at the sights and was fearful of his image being shit on cause he can't scare a nerd. He will just have to beat him up as an example to not to be the hero and he and his boys are the kings in school. He stood up from his sit and march away from the popular group table and towards Henry.

Astrid and her group of friends aren't that far away from the popular table have seen the whole thing being warp and presented. "Man, why can't Snotlout just leave the poor guy alone. He just came in and have to deal with that bullshit" Ruffnut sigh sadly. The group of friends were obviously not impress by bickering jerks who were insulting Henry especially Astrid and not a second passes by of her not wanting to punch their faces when she sees them messing with her man. Then they all notice that Snotlout have stood up harshly and making his way after Henry with full intentions of hurting him and Astrid would not had it. Maybe she teach her lesson to them to not mess with her man.

But she might not reach them in time and she was right  and she can do is warn Henry of the incoming danger. A fist was already send towards him and it happen so fast but it felt like watching slow-motion scene of an action movie and everyone expecting the fist to land a blow but to everyone's shock Henry have dodge it and turn to face his attacker with an unimpressed looked.

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