Chapter 14 (A Single Convoy)

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The party was crazy. No it was pretty average but again this are from an opinion of a social outcast and it was his first big gathering he ever attended and honestly he had fun. Maybe it was his lack of expectations but boy did he had fun with almost all of them. Especially with Astrid.

He learn so much more avout the blonde during his time at the party. He had not expected her to be so open towards him but he was wrong again. He was told many stories of her childhood and how she became friends with the gang as they like to call themselves that and he was even given the privilege to join the group. Maybe he will give it a chances.

It was odd thought, he hardly could even concentrate when ever she was speaking to him. His mind seems to have other interests, more important then her voice of thoughts. Herny sigh on top of his bed. He was in fact more focus on how her lips move. Her body. The way that she laughs. Simple details and things about her and no matter how insignificant it was, he seems to memories it like his life depends on it.

When ever he made her laugh, it felt different. Liked he had achieved a long life goal and the way that she laugh it felt special to him, making her smile was now his favourite thing to do, and he also can't ignore the shock waves he received when she slightly push him on the shoulders while she is laughing. What just on Earth is she doing to him?

"What's wrong with me Toothless?" Herny asked growling and putting his hand to cover his faces, annoyed that he doesn't understand his feelings.

"I think what you are experiencing is affection for someone" Toothless conclude.

"You really think so? For Astrid? There's no way! Right?" Herny asked in a panic and unsure voice.

"I guess that for yourself to decided"

"Come on Toothless, help me out here!" Herny argue and he can feel the Alien rolling his imaginary eyes

"your asking the wrong person here buddy! What can I offer that could help you with your... Mating process?" Toothless asked and Herny had no idea if he should be weirded out or laugh when he said 'mating process'. It also really reminded him that Toothless was in fact an alien from space living in his head. The word to use to describe their conversation is definitely the term, werid. "am way am I giving you love advice instead of destroying the Outcasts!"

They were in fact lurking in the shadows of the streets of Berk. Never seems to get used to the smell of piss and alcohol even though he have live here his entire life. Maybe it reminded him of a memory he never wish to ever re-visit

"your right! We should really keep our-my personal life out of Night Fury's. Come on I think we should move to a different location to find Outcasts activities!" And that I have is something Toothless could agree with. Herny took off and jump from building to building. But unknown to them, a pair of green eyes watch their every move in a distance.

"gotcha. You can't run away from me forever!"


"look there! A convoy!" Toothless pointed out. It was a large delivery truck surrounded by alot of black SUVs and Outcasts gang members and they are loaded to the brim.

"why do they need so much personnel for one truck?" Henry asked confused and continued to count their numbers.

"drugs? Human trafficking? What the Outcasts are known for doing! But one thing for certain it's must be important and we should probably attack them. After all we have the element of surprise" Henry though of the plan for awhile but unfortunately he would have to disagree. It was too risky

"that I don't doubt but the element will be deem useless if they are expecting us. Their boss knows we are on to him and something tells me that Viggo Grimborn is a smart man and would play this whole situation and rivalry as s game of Mace's and talent" Henry said carefully phrasing everything and making a reference to an old board game played centuries ago, although it's still played today but not as popular as video games.

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