Chapter 15 (Job Hunting: Sidekick Needed)

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"what do you mean no? Come on, the mighty Night Fury gatta need someone to watch his back. Who better then me?!" Dagur continues to try and convince the vigilante so that he could be able to tag along his dangerous missions but it doesn't seem to be working. Herny on the other hand was growling internally, can't this redhead just leave him along. He is very determined, he can give gim that but it's already starting too bug him off.

It's not that Henry is above him or the offer of help, he does need all the help he can gets but... He couldn't risk being betrayed again. Many things when wronh during that day and it still hunts him at night. He shivered slightly when he revisited the memories he wish to forget but it's not Ingrave in his mind.

"why should I have you watch my back? What can you possibly offer that could help me?" Night Fury countered, his crazy man is driving him insane, he had basically followed him the whole night and Henry was afraid to go home in fear of being followed by the man. Gods he hope Gobber doesn't check up on him or else he will have a whole another problem on his hands. His a kid with a world tone of responsibility on his shoulders.

"Many things, for starters. I have information that only the police are allowed to see, how the money is going in and out from the Outcasts. I know many eye locations of the Outcasts. I hate to admit it but I look like a criminal and I can fit just right in with them. Thats means you will have a inside man"

"How do I know that you aren't already working for them?" Herny pointed out accusingly, his voice lowerd to a threatening level which cause Dagur to back a few steps. Good the man was get too comfortable for Henry's liking. Boundaries are the main importance and should always be set

"Well you can't-but that's the thing. I'm not working with them, I even swear it to my mother's name!" he defended himself boldly and truthfully. His posture was open and steal, and he maintain good eye contact and doesn't look at all nervous when he spoke.

"My answer is still no..." Night Fury say dismissively while shaking his head im case if this guy doesn't understand simple English but Henry knows he knew.

"jeez way to shut him down like that. I don't know but I have a instinctive feeling that he could be trusted" Toothless suddenly told Herny who sighed

"I have them too but I don't think it would be smart to do so and I don't want a repeat of the whole Randy situation again." Herny answered Toothless mentally who hummed, agreeing with Henry's statement.

"maybe we could test his loyalty by bringing him with us to one of our missi-" Toothless was cut off by Henry

"no-no-no absolutely not, it's sounds like a good idea but it's not. He could fake the whole scenario and if he really is telling the turth then it would be to dangerous for him to even part take! Again, now that the Outcasts know our weakness, we have to watch our backs now and if he tags along I will have to worry about his safety as well... " the trade off appears to be very one sided and unbeneficial solely towards Herny.

"Mister Night Fury sir? You good? You looked like you have zone out for a second there buddy." Dagur questioned with one of his eye browns raised causing the annoyed vigilante too just looked stupidly at the redhead with the bad shaved beard and tilt his head a little to his left side.

" I'm fine and by the way, for the record I am not your ally nor your... Buddy!" Henry reminded him firmly while Dagur just nodded his head like a missed behaved child after receiving a scolding from mom. Keeping it professional is very important, so personally stuff doesn't have to get involved. Basically undermining the supposed of a secret identity. Their was a awkward silence now and the looked at the on the private investigator's face screams nothing but discomfort. It was honestly a funny slight to behold, Herny who had the privilege to see. If he wasn't maintaining his professionalism, he would have drop down laughing his ass out by now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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