Chapter 6 (Competitor's Conspiracy)

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Henry was zoning out in between classes, he wasn't able to think straight since the first night watch ended. With meeting Randy and seeing a gang member died in front of him. No screw that, to see a person died it front of him but at this point he should know that what his doing is either kill or be killed. Still, It was traumatizing and Henry couldn't sleep at all last night. Remained him so much of his parents.

It really shows what it takes to survive in this world, that is not always sunshine and rainbows, but blood and kill or be kill

He was snapped out of it by the school bell, indicating that it's the next period. Soon getting to the next class after walking through a long hall and passing other students who are busy getting to their classes as well just to reach chemistry class. As he enters many have stop what they were doing to look at him or mostly glare as fighting off and making a fool out of the jocks is a social crime and frown upon in high school society

"Hey Hiccup come and suck my dick!" One of the jock presented in the room and whom Henry also remembered from the fight the other day yelled out causing lots of snickering in the classroom, no teacher where present to educate this fool with manners. His name is Brandon, his a brawny guy with brown hair and a pair of blue eyes, and new jock member and a wanna be pro football (American) player

"Hey! What u said is disrespectful and out right disgusting! It's common knowledge to not act in that manner specially in a place where we are here to get education!" Fishlegs or Finn as his real name, exclaim which causes all glares turn to him. Finn to visibly cringe at the unwanted attention. Finn a husky guy with  short legs but he is anything but short, Sure he may have short legs but a big body. He has blue eyes and light blonde hair. Finn really is just like the stereotypical nerd portray in high school drama movies and tv series. He loves to study and learn new things after all knowledge is power and Finn lives by those words

"Did you say something, fatass?" The jock said, eyeing Finn smugly, and Finn sequel


"That's what I thought loser, get back to your book you nerd!" He laugh along with his friends

"What's so funny about that?" Henry mumble under his breath but unfortunately, Brandon heard it.

"What did you say, Hiccup?" He said mockingly

"I said what's so funny about that? He enjoys reading, let him be, it's no differences from you liking sports. Different people have different interest or are you that brain dead and one track minded to not know that fact?" Henry spat and the jock sneer at him.

"I'm gonna fuck your pretty face up!"

"I kicked your ass once, and I will do it again but this time I will make sure you will fine it hard to sit!" Henry replied which sacred the jock for a while but return to putting back a brave mask. "No answer? Good! Now fuck off and mind your own god damn business" with that said he went to take his sit and await for the teachers arrival

Time flies quickly like an eagle chasing it's pray. It was once again break and Henry was munching down on some pie bought from the cafeteria, he was happily enjoying eating his apple pie alone when suddenly he heard the sound of trays slam onto the table he was siting at. With a groan escaping from Henry making it obvious to the uninvited that he wasn't too please with there upcoming to his table which they don't take notice too. Henry turns his head to look at the people who dare disturb him while he munch. To find Tuffnut and Shockingly Finn as well to have settled down to eat on his table. 'What are they up too' thought Henry as he lays a curious eyes at them

"Hey bunny old pal!" Tuff greeted with a glamorous smile and Henry notice there are hair growing on his Chiny chin chin. Of all the other things he notice that, for the love of Thor. No wonder his still single.

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