Chapter 11 (Man Behind It All)

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Randy, the man he meet up yesterday. His name came up in his mind. He have thankfully agree to help Herny to give as much information to him as he can, he had gave Randy his second number so he wouldn't risk personal contact if his phone do get hack. It was Randy to contact so message him any information Randy got. Although Randy has been a great help, but the intelligence he mostly offer felt less then what he is leading on. For now, he isn't focus on that right now.

There lies many scattered of papers on his bedroom floor, spread across his bed and some randomily pin on his walls. The rustling of papers can be heard as he crumble up unimportant documents. They were large amounts of paper in the file he stolecfrom the Outcasts van that was sabotage.

It was mostly business inquiries, invoices and other business related principal documents. He would use it to tracked to a business, he thought at first but later going through all of wasn't just from one business but multiple business big and small. He can't just cherry pick it and have to go through it. Herny was having an headache.

"this is pointless! It doesn't add up at all! " tossing the paper in his hand to the air and later regretting it since he will have to pick them up again and arrange them. "am i suppose to suspect that 'grannies hot buns shop' is funding a large criminal organisation." Herny exclaim loudly, clearly fustrated.

"well, we are always open to suggestion, so I don't think it's wrong to think that way" Toothless stupidly said while Herny growl. He knows thst he was joking but it's hard to joke around with all this stress. Fighting crime was easy he thought. Oh how naive he was. He hates himself to forget that nothing comes easy in life and it take much dedication to perfecting any form of art or skill. Those superhero movies are fun to watch, Herny will never degrade them for what they are meant as but the victories of the heroes in the movies are full of bullshit.

"well, somethings are certain. First fuck this paper work, three hours of work for it to be fruitless and second I need a break" Herny yawn before getting up from the floor with the help of his bed and soon exiting his room to the kitchen. He need a bite and some refreshments, lemonade sounding really good right about now. Hopefully there are some in the fridge.

Having a plate full of homemade sandwiches and a glass of lemonade was his ideal why of taking a break. Nothing says relaxation better then eating in silence. Thought the absence of sound is pretty uncomfortable but honestly Herny learn to appreciate the fact that he got used to it. Sometimes he forgets the privilege to just be content without any distractions, just only having his mind all to himself and now sharing with Toothless it's actually very hard for him to hear himself think from time to time though it did bothered him greatly having his mind all to himself for 17 years straight and now having to shared it's abnormal.

Taking another thoughtful bite of his sandwich in his hand, he felt the crunching of the pickles yet soft and smooth texture, he taste the sweetness of the white bread and the strong smell of the bacon. He taken alot of pride for making such an balance favour sandwich, not regreting making it instead of going for a lazy peanut butter jelly sandwich. Thought both is good, but one is fast and easy and the other is just time consuming.

Finishing the last few bites of the sandwich and downing his not so homemade lemonade, setting the cup on the coffee table before using his pants as a tissue. Though not ideal and clean but fast and easy and Herny likes it that way. He suchs a snob and if he were to ask Toothless, without a doubt his Alien companion will agree with zero seconds of hesitation.

Few minutes of silence, his ears snd mind can't take it anymore as Herny opened his mouth and started whining like a kid in a supermarket while their parent is shopping for groceries. He was extremely bored out of his mind and worst of all Toothless hasn't said a single word for the longest times since he meet him. From good few weeks he had been with Toothless who for one doesn't shy away in always, and I meant always expressing his opinions. To be fair he is the only person he can communicate too but gods sometimes he can't take it anymore and it drives him to a point of no return.

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