Chapter 9 (Hunting Outcasts)

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"what is the source of all this crime? What motivates crimes ranging from miner robing to taking anothers life away" Toothless voice. "is it due too an evil source? We need to find it and end all crimes cause this people are brainwash"

Henry sigh, only if it was easy in theory that is. To end one main cause but there are so many different factors to account for to crime. "there is no main source of evil. They are many factors in that criminal's life that root them to there path. Like their environment, people around them who have influenced such unacceptable behaviour and some are sociopaths, they think different from the average person. It's honestly complicated"

"huh. So they will always be criminals even taking out the main boss?"

"sadly yes. But our main goal is to take out who ever controls the gang, Outcast. If we find the boss, we cut the supply chain... and I bet he is the one funding them to cause caos and crimes." Herny state, thoughtful. It might be wrong but his guts been on that feeling and his gut has never failed him

" well we need more information, when are you gonna be ready to go Outcast hunting?" Toothless ask, amd can't hind the growing hint of excitement in his voice.

"soon. Thought if we just beat them up. They will never tell us who is their leader, there too loyal... or afraid. The police wouldn't be much help as well, half are probably working for the Outcast and half might think we will get in the way and aslo considers Night Fury as a criminal." sighed Herny and lay his head face down against this table. It seems anything thing they try just to get a lead against the gang organisation will just bring them to a dead end.

"well shit. Damn, fighting crime is harder then I thought. I just wanna go back to when we just kick their ass." Toothless sigh happily, recalling good memories off beating up gang members "it was so much easier"

" True, but you know there is a easier way to get information about them. If we work for them..." then it hit him, like a dear crossing a dark snowy street "that's it, we find people who are being hunted by the Outcast maybe the reason they hunt them is because they hold information about them, information that can cripple their power and influence." Herny was sitting straight, fist tighten on the table top in his kitchen and blood pumping.

" that could actually work. Herny, my good friend, you sir are something else."

" well I one to end this gang violence once and for all and whatever means necessary" Herny said with a determine voice, his jawline sharpen and eyes tense and filled with motivation to reach his goal.

"then let's get suited and hit the streets"


While Henry waa lurking in the shadows. One person im particularly has been on his mind ever since they made it to the streets. The person is Randy, the guy he sort off save not too long ago. If he is still out there depends if the Outcast got to him and his daughter first, which honestly is a scary thought. And he needs to look for him, Randy is all they got for now to at least give some information that isn't on the surface level, not just tips of an iceberg. They need ground breaking intelligence. You get the point.

Too find him, there best chances is to go back to the same street where they first come to know of one another but he must be cautious, this streets house many Outcast members, one of there main territories. Lucky Toothless remembers distinctively and exactly how his voice sounded like and we can track him and since we hear better then any living thing in Earth, yes even bats. It should be easy to track him meters alway. He just have to find the exact frequency of his voice.

A hour turn too 5 hours, it was not easy as it is. Herny forgot to account for the fact that voices aren't like fingerprints, some people can have the same distinct voice. He can't help but think lf the many awkward and inconvenient interactions with the 'not Randys'. Some send death treats and others were fans and supporters, it was a mix at best.

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