A bit too curious...

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(Here we go again- hopefully I can write this chapter without confusing myself :D)
You began to wake up and all vision was a blur. The room was almost pitch black, apart from a light bulb that shone above your head. You began to regain your vision, now realising your ankle is chained to the cold, wood floor. Your right wrist was also chained to the floor, but the chains were long enough for you to walk one or two steps. The floor was hard and freezing, as were your surroundings. A cold shiver would crawl down your back once or twice a minute, but after 5 minutes your body got used to the temperature, however your body was still slightly shivering.
"Got a bit too curious.. didn't you." You hears a voice say from the other side of the room. It didn't take long for you to realise it was hawks. You opened your mouth to say something, but there was nothing to be said. You just took a deep breath and stayed quiet. "Someone's shy" he said. You were crossed between a line of scared and frustrated- you felt something else too, but you couldn't figure out what. "I'm not shy you dumb bird." You said before thinking. There was nothing you could do to take it back. So instead of apologising, you continued. "I was write about you stupid heroes. All of you have no meaning. I was waiting for an outburst to happen from one of.." you continued, but got distracted as your eyes began to see a shadow of a figure in the room- it was hawks coming closer. The shadow became bigger, until you could make out his face. He stepped into the light, a lollipop in his mouth and a smirk on his face. "No ones perfect, kid." He stated like is was meant to be obvious. You put your head down and stared at the ground. The room was silent again- neither you or hawks could think of anything to say. He was looking at you like he was expecting you to say something, after all you have just been kidnapped and normal people would have millions of questions. You had none. You knew why he did it- you went too far.

I'll keep you forever... hawks x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now