Youre safe now.

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TW: stab and shot mention
It was 8:34 when you had woke up, your eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the light. Then you saw him. You saw him asleep and immediately smiled with realising what had happened last night. You assumed by his face he must of been asleep, so you got closer to him than you already were, buried your face in his chest and hugged hun tightly. You felt a hand slide down your waist that made you jump- you thought he was asleep. Your tensed body slowly calmed down until you sank into his chest. You had gotten a lot more used to him to the point he was your friend. Kind of.
"Morning kid" he said in a rather tired voice that fully hit you- his tired voice was raspy, and you somehow loved it. After keeping his wings still for hours on end, he had to stretch them. He began spreading out his wings to the point they reached the end of the large room. After he had stretched them enough he gave them a little flap then brought them back. "Wanna tell me what your dream was about?" He asked, hinting that he wanted to know. A lump came to your throat as he asked that- it was hard for you to talk about your parents to people- you figured he had to know since it would clear a lot up, though. "Fine, I'll tell you."
After telling him your whole dream his face has dropped. "I'm so sorry, it was all a dream though." He calmly said. "But it wasn't all a dream!" You cried. "They're dead. Gone. AND THE ONLY REASON THEY'RE GONE IS BECAUSE OF THE DAMN HEROES!" You began to scream cry. "Kid.." "NO. ITS TRUE! THERE WAS A MURDERER IN MY HOUSE I WAS ONLY 6. MY DAD WAS BEGGING TO CALL THE COPS BUT NOOOO, MY MUM HAD TO TRY GET A HERO. BUT THEY DIDNT FUCKING MAKE IT IN TIME DID THEY." You were frustrated. Hawks felt bad, but he couldn't help but ask, "how did you not die?" You sighed and explained "the killer shot my parents in front of me.. he must of wanted me to be scarred. He must of wanted me in pain too- he stabbed my leg and fled the scene. I'm just happy I'm alive and he was caught." You were getting images of your parents being shot again. You couldn't help but see the image in your head of your mum and dad screaming and bleeding out, while your leg was in agony. You heard a whisper in your ear. "You're safe now, kid. You're never stepping a foot out of this place." You could tell your story hurt him a bit. "So Thats why you hate heroes?" He asked. You nodded looking up at him, boiling tears streaming down your face. He grabbed the back of your neck and pushed it into his chest, then rested his chin on your head.

I'll keep you forever... hawks x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now