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"Well since its still early, I thought we should go and get something to eat?" Tetsuro shot me a slightly apprehensive gaze, like he didn't know if what he was saying was OK. I smiled and nodded.

"You don't need to ask me, just go with whatever you had in mind. You told me that I'd have fun, right? So just go with it," I gave his hand a small squeeze and he nodded.

"Then follow me," Tetsuro grinned before speeding up slightly and dragging me along behind me.

We ended up in a small café with a toastie and a cup of (hot drink) each.

"Where will you go after the next round of swimming?" Tetsuro asked.

"Australia to compete for Japan," I replied with a smile, "I can't wait to go back and then laugh in the faces of my former team mates."

"You're kind of spiteful, huh?" he chuckled.

"Only when it comes to those asshats," I smiled with a small laugh.

"Aw man, I want to watch you compete in Australia but my tournaments will begin," Tetsuro pouted, looking genuinely upset.

"Well it's the same with me. I want to watch you and your team destroy some other schools," I told him, "but... I can't. Because I'll either be asleep at a random time in the day, training or competing."

"Or... Picking fights with your former team," he added in.

"Well..." I looked away, "... Yeah..."

"Either way, there will be live streams. I'll send you the link to them, you do the same too so we can both catch even a little bit of each others hard work, yeah?" he leaned forward and grinned.

"Sounds good," I nodded as Tetsuro stood up.

"Come on, let's go to the theme park now," he said as piled our empty cups and plates onto a tray and placed it in the tray stack thing before offering me his hand. I smiled and nodded before grabbing his hand and pulling myself to my feet.

"It's been a while since I've been to one, I'm really excited," I told him as we walked out the café and headed towards the train station.

"It's been a while since I went to one too, now that I think about it," Tetsuro hummed in thought, "I think the last time I went was maybe two years ago on my little sisters birthday."

"Sounds like fun," I smiled, he nodded.

"It was.."

Not long later we were on the train and then safely at our final destination. Go bullet trains, am I right?

"We're here~! We're here~!" a really loud but very familiar voice caught my attention as me and Tetsuro joined the line to get our entry wristbands. 

"Doesn't that voice sound really familiar?" Tetsuro asked as I looked around and nodded before my gaze landed on Mako and Rayla.

"Oh. That's why," I smiled, "it's Mako and Rayla."

Rayla seemed to notice us and shot us a surprised look before grinning.

"Hey, Mako~ take a look what we have here," Rayla nudged the other girl who then looked to us and smirked, the pair walked over and joined the same line we were in.

"So what're you two doing alone together, hm?" Mako asked as she slung her arm around my shoulders, "are you two on a... date~"

"Yes. Yes we are," Tetsuro replied without hesitation as he dragged me forward and out of Mako's hold, "so if you don't mind-"

He pushed me forward as we reached the booth.

I stifled a laugh as he let out an irritated grumble, something along the lines of 'can't believe we're being interrupted right now' and something else.

Two captains are better than one | Kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now