Chapter 4 *Morning Oct. 1*

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*Raphael's P.O.V*

I woke up in the most awkward position. My legs are on the back of the booth I was hanging with the rest of my body over the of the bottom of the booth.
My hat was covering John's face oddly enough and how it got there I'm afraid to ask. I sit up slowly becoming fully aware of my pounding headache. I groan as I sit up I open my eyes slowly thanking the powers who be or whatever they are for John having the wherewith all to close the blinds because light now is not a good thing.
I hear John's Espresso machine going and here a soft giggle. "Good morning Raphael good to see you among the living." I recognised that sweet voice "Carmen what on earth you doing here and how did you get in?".
I hear her soft giggle and oddly enough in this condition it gives me the shivers the good kind mind you, "Good morning to you too. Before you and John had your little fun John called me and told me to come and open up. He gave me his extra keys a long time ago. You two look a right mess you guys had a party and didn't invite me? I'm hurt I have my lecture this evening was finished last night could've used a drink." She throws me a bottle of water I catch it and wince I see her smirk "Good lord woman show me some mercy please."
She pours herself an Espresso and looks at me winks and says, "Believe me Rafe when I say, I am being merciful I'm usually very cruel to hungover people. I well say this, you feel every bit of what you deserve" I chuckle,"You're right of course."
I take a swallow of water and my body starts crying out for it. I guzzle it down and I see Carmen rubbing her temples I realise her head is pounding. I know what it is and I'm growing concerned I should help her. "Are you ok Carmen"

*Carmen's P.O.V*

I can sense Rafe's concern this blasted headache keeps coming at the most inopportune moments. "Rafe I'm fine just a bit of a headache" Rafe just looks at me with eyes that are like an ocean that can penetrate your soul.
"Really Raphael I'm fine." No sooner then I said that the pain becomes so intense I double over. My nose starts bleeding Raphael rushes to my side. "Raphael what's happening to me?"

*Raphael's P.O.V*

I see Carmen doubled over with great pain. I flash over by her side and see her eyes closed and it breaks my heart to hear her cry and on top of that she asks why this is happening to her. I take her face in my hands,"Carmen listen to me. Open your eyes let me see them sweety" "I can't it hurts"
"I know just open them quickly let me see" I encourage her to open her eyes. I know it's going to hurt but I must see them for myself. "It hurts Raphael" "Come on Carmen open them." She slowly opens her eyes and it was as I had feared both of her eyes are covered milky grey substance. She closes her eyes quickly but she kept them open long enough for me to see them. Carmen do you trust me? I see her nod so I lean my forehead against hers and begin an incantation,"Sunari aman I carnae" she sighs and falls asleep. I pick her up in my arms,"JOHN!!! I need to get Carmen home at once!!" John snaps out of his sleep,"I'll call and explain later." He looks confused but right now I don't have time to explain.

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